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Everything posted by douG

  1. I guess that makes that pup a Regal, prince-like, if you will.
  2. I demand a 20% increase in something something something. I dunno, I'll get back. Wait, this isn't chat? I'm doing this wrong.
  3. You just can't beat SpectraFiber* for strength to diameter ratio. Crazy strong. 47,000 lb test, and it's only 18 mm diameter. * A Honeywell Product.
  4. Some excellent looking loaves there, Ugli. Crust looks crackly (my favourite), and the crumb looks light, cakey and oatmealy. Delicious. I did bread twice last weekend, using at least 8 to 10 / water to flour by weight. Same bread every week, one of these days I'm going to get it right, but each week is better than the last. Keep that inspiration coming, with thanks in advance.
  5. I can vouch for the Dawg, always willing to hlep. Jes' ask.
  6. Yup. A real good one there.
  7. .
  8. I know your vacation was the best thing for both of you, Wayne, and your lovely Leah. Thanks for your photos, and Good Health to youse.
  9. Very fine journeyman professional type work there, Emil. I would be proud to have that workmanship in my place.
  10. Chris, I have browsed some of the pro fly tyer's sites where they show their pride in their amazing work, but I've seen none more realistic than the art that comes off your fly tyer's vise. Just fabulous.
  11. If you are trudging through deep snow, bushwacking, or hanging off a manual auger all morning, you have to adjust your outer layer so you don't get soaked. When you get covered in sweat, you must change your inner layers from damp ones to dry ones, or you gonna freeze. I just remember not to exert myself too much.
  12. SSShhhhhhhhh. Don't mention this or you'll wreck Christmas for everybody. And their birthday too.
  13. He He, Cliff. Kids are definitely a problem in my neighbourhood too.
  14. Very nice clip, it shows what I would think a long bush walk in would look like. And you were rewarded for your grief, too! Thanks for that great post.
  15. Stay tuned to this channel for late breaking announcements! I could do with some redneck abuse here myself.
  16. Coming along nicely, Mr. Brown. Well done. Best of luck for the future.
  17. Doesn't look at all like the real thing, Chris. Amazing work. Congratulations.
  18. Always loved the classic Buddy. Have some more. More Buddy
  19. That's a really touching story there, Mike. Verklempt, I am. Thinking about it, it explains a lot.
  20. BillM, the mail seems to be very slow this time of year (nothing in the inbox), but we'll be in touch anyway.
  21. Rick, math or philosophy? You can't be serious. You serious? You gonna bring it, you wanna bring it? Come here for a minute, I need to talk to you. You gonna look real foolish real quick. Punk. Goof. Bring it. *This is where I bravely run away.*
  22. You got into em for sure, Steve. Those lakers are really nice sized.
  23. Good shootin', BillM. If you want to chat about May, send me a pm.
  24. BillM and solopaddler, I think that the french press just might make the fly in to the lake youse are planning on visiting. Just letting you know where you can find a decent cup o java.
  25. Awesome birds, some great captures there.
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