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Everything posted by douG

  1. Ukranians = Russians?
  2. Is Paul a Mr. Cheng, too? Three brothers owning this market niche is genious. GoodOnYa.
  3. An amazing job, all for $12.26, turnaround in less than 48 hrs. Paul at Angling Specialties (and his brother, too) is the man!
  4. I noticed that Lonnie was using a spinning reel there - interested in that.
  5. Very nice report, Roy, and some solid lakers there. That J knows how to assemble a plate for sure! Looks delicious.
  6. Way to go, Mike. Love that chunky lookin lake trout.
  7. I'm finally seeing the benefit of level wind reels - no more built in line twist. They make trolling a treat. When you are respooling your spinning reel, you will always have more twists from the takeup reel than from the fresh spool. So, right out of the gate, you are behind the eight ball, with a fresh line freshly twisted. I think the best you can do is to pay attention to your fresh spool (ccw coming off as JPD said), and then troll the empty line a long ways behind your boat. Reel it in again under some tension by pinching the line with your left hand. Twist be gone, I say. Or get one of these.
  8. Yay team Melancon! Great to see the southern contingent wetting some line. I have a trip planned wif me bruvvah and Pa soon too. These times are treasured, and so few. Thanks for those pictures. Slowpoke, that fish deserves its own thread!
  9. Just got back from Angling Specialties, no worries. I did a double take at the sign on the door which said that his hours today were 5 am - 7 pm. Hardcore.
  10. You *might* have put the line on your spinning reel backwards. I respool my line my placing the new line spool on the flat on the floor with the label up. I've noticed that some lines come on a spool with a nick in the flange on the underside, so that if you try to spool it up the other way, the spool flips over.
  11. Loving the u/w shots. I'd take some snaps like that but I'm afraid that I would get my camera wet. Nice shootin'.
  12. A Hearty Attaboy to you, Pikie. Well done there, lad.
  13. Thanks, Friends. I could not have hoped for a better set of answers - I got it all now. Raf replied with the most efficient answer within a minute or two, Ron actually told me how to fix this in great detail. Chris is such a holdout, except for the link to an older thread. Drifter and Raf have the same world view, it would seem. Angling Specialties will do all that for $6? We have a solution. Thanks again.
  14. douG

    Hey Paul!

    HAAhaha. We all get it already. We really do.
  15. Just Google it already Chris, does the above link spell out what you were talking about?
  16. You did very well considering that water looks like Tanqueray. Nice feesh.
  17. I busted the lowest largest line guide on one of my favorite rods (don't ask how). This is what it looks like. I think my options are Remove the epoxy tape and replace with new stuff and new guide Add new guide on top of the old stuff Add new guide above old stuff, maybe upside down How would I go about removing the existing tape? What would you do? Thanks.
  18. Who the heck is that glory hound posing with Spiel? He is for sure some lucky. That pic is gold.
  19. Alcohol is a poison. Let your guard down for a minute, and you're stumbling around like a drunken elephant. Or falling down like a crazy monkey. Also, pandas is the devil, just look at their eyes. That's how you can tell.
  20. If the specks are on, it doesn't matter what you are throwing. I've seen everything from tiny 1/16 oz bucktails, streamers, small cleos, stick baits, wet flies and even #5 mepps spinners fool 2 dozen fish a day for each of 4 guys, for 3 and a half days. That was a total count of over 325 gorgeous brookies. If they are not on, oh well. Then it's all about the scenery and the food. I've done that trip too. Have a great adventure.
  21. Don't do it, Davey.
  22. Head for the church. St. Saviour's Anglican Church at 12 Princess Street, Queenston, ON L0S 1L0 Get Directions (905) 262-5111. Put that into yer google maps, hit sattelite view, and all will be revealed, Grasshopper.
  23. Another clinic from solopaddler. Well done Lads. I can see by the goofy grin you guys had a blast.
  24. I would guess that the first lift contacted the conductor, shorting it to ground through the lift and tires, until an overcurrent device tripped or a transformer failed. Once the lines were dead, the second lift was then able to safely bring our lucky friend back down. In theory, the guy would have had to complete the path to ground through his body for him to be killed by electrocution. On the other hand, arc flash and the resulting plasma fireball explosion can kill too.
  25. Don't veer for deer. Thanks for sharing the adrenaline once again, Lew.
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