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Everything posted by douG

  1. If a pedestrian is injured every hour in Toronto, why doesn't he move?
  2. I understand from the two examples I've seen that those Blowes b'ys are tough "Sons O Guns". He'll be chasing yer Ma around the furniture in no time now. Great to hear that all went well, Brian.
  3. Nice to see the stalwarts are still kickin'. Great fish from Cliff and Carole, as usual.
  4. You can troll tight to shore with an in line planer board. This works for ice out lake trout too.
  5. Great payoff for some hard work. Congratulations, nice snaps too.
  6. HH and ccmt came up blanks? Alert the media! That was a really tough bite, boys.
  7. Best to you, Mr. Spiel. Hope you end up better than new.
  8. Looking forward to your report later, Brian. Hope you and Skud had some success today.
  9. Congratulations on solving BOQ, Joe, nice work.
  10. Thanks to the Mods for a great job, creating this wonderful place and keeping it on the straight and level. Met a lot of great folks here over the years, and, well, I'm getting a little verklempt now.
  11. Glen, I agree with your sentiment there. I actually tried jigging with Lexx on Sunday am, but that didn't work either. Memart and I strained the bay for days but we only had a few weeds to show for our trouble. Rob is a great host, many thanks to misfish's bro for dragging me along on this trip. Also, thanks to MikethePike and Glen for allowing me to share their accommodations. I know already about the snoring, I can't apologize for that. Hope that the hearing protection worked.
  12. Thanks for the best wishes, Brian. I'll do me best to look after dat brudder o' yers. Jes' headin' out the door.
  13. No issue with the common sense filter, I see. That was nutso, walking a few miles in only socks. We are all very proud.
  14. I herd that wast true !!!1!! also. Keep it on the down low, even so.
  15. Best Fishes, Rick. And a hearty welcome to Jewelbee!
  16. Such short shoes for such a big man. Well done, mon vieux.
  17. We are all SO proud. And a hearty AttaBoy to Peter. I wouldn't have known where to start.
  18. This is a great thread, Laszlo. I bet that everyone who has read it will keep coming back looking for the *bingo* update. Best of luck.
  19. That has been a favorite of mine for years, Terry. Thanks for posting that one again.
  20. Radnine, I get the most amazing gifts from my little sister every year, they are incredibly thoughtful and well considered. I sometimes get a little verklempt. We are 45 - 55 age bracket. We do what we can do. A sensitive thingy is a real winner as far as gifts go, and any spa certificate will be appreciated, and be money in the bank. A food plan, suggesting her favourite cuisine, is also endearing. Endearing is good.
  21. That might be true, but there is a competence behind the viewfinder. I agree, those are magazine quality captures.
  22. Fisherman, you did the last best thing for that family member, a tough job that no one else could do. Well done. 18 1/2 years is astounding. That's a long time.
  23. I went to a dinner party last night, where I and other guests enjoyed copious amounts of alcohol. I woke up this morning with flu-like symptoms; headache, nausea, chills, sore eyes, and a bit of the trots. As a result, I have unfortunately tested positive for what a cadre of experts are now calling Wine Flu. This debilitating condition is serious - and it appears this is NOT an isolated case. Reports are flooding in from across the country of others now being diagnosed with Wine Flu. To anyone exhibiting the aforementioned symptoms, experts recommend a cup of tea and a bit of a lie down. However, should your condition worsen, you should immediately rent a DVD and call in sick. Then take the only drug proven to combat this usual type of flu - a McDonald's Happy Meal. If that doesn't work, further application of the original liquid, in familiar quantities, has been shown to do the trick. Wine Flu does not NEED to be life threatening! If treated early, it can be eradicated within a 24-48 hour period. NOTE If you find you are complaining a lot, it may be that the virus has mutated into Whine Flu. This is particularly common in men and can spread to their partners whose symptoms may include a serious case of eye-rolling. Hope this hleps.
  24. Volunteers rock, BillyBob. Good onya right dere.
  25. Two VERY FINE crappie. You two should be proud of yerslefs.
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