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Everything posted by douG

  1. bump. Seven more sleeps.
  2. I have a neighbour that loves to use his leafblower to clean his deck. Every morning. He is not on my Christmas card list. He's the sort that says that if you want peace and quiet, go live in the country. I think that if you want to make all the noise you want with complete disregard for your neighbours, YOU go live in the country. But that's just me.
  3. Are you sure about that one? 105 limiters in no way require that two lanes be blocked by these jerks. There are 'wonderful boys' for sure, but the ones in Queen's Park are not responsible for that idiocy. If it takes the trucker 10 minutes to pass another on a four lane, mebbe he should pick another spot to pass. Even if he don't, this has got to be better than a fully loaded semi pushing you in the middle lane at 120 or more. That's terrifying to most because he can't stop. There are a couple of notorious stretches of the 401 - one west of Port Hope, and the other west of London, carnage incarnate.
  4. Kiitokset! dere, BigUgli, for the report. Roly poly fish heads fer sure.
  5. Well, DANG, HawgHunter, thanks for the best wishes. Will we see you there? Would be nice, mebbee for dinner on Saturday.
  6. *poke* The funniest non report yet. Thanks for the photos.
  7. Very nice, spinnerdoc, if that's your real name. The steelhead fishing in the tribs is a secret *shhhhhhhhhhhhh*. Congratulations on solving the puzzle.
  8. I've been told to appear before (I thought it was a chicane, but it was really only an S turn), and the deal went down with a command to shut up and plead guilty to a lesser offence. 15 over, no points. 1 month to pay the fine. Easy peasy (for our pommy friends).
  9. It sounds like my plans are falling into place too, with Memart accepting gas money for the boat and Mike the Pike and GlenK steeling themselves with free earplugs and a share in the rent. Fishhunter, being a local, is the best choice for a group dinner on Saturday. I like that idea. We could leave the reservation until Friday when we have a better count.
  10. OK, so we got memart and joey and Paul and Wayne and dano and Roy and percher and lexx and bmmike and JP and MtP and Lloyd and Terry, BrianK, cranksbait, Slowpoke, HH, Gerritt, BitSmit. And Buster. And me, and Solo mebbe, could be Carp too. Bunk might do a cameo. CCMT and Bly are also possibilities. There must be a few more. But we gots no GCD or APlumma or also DaPlumma. None. This will be another celebration of the cycle of the seasons, diminished by our absent friends. But never mind that, can we get a roll call? Please post to this, saying where your group is and who you is. If you need help with the rent or boat gas and have some space, make a note of that too. I think we meet for a meal on Saturday night, at Shoeless Joe's, see ya there.
  11. JohnnyBass, I hate to make direct comments (I think this is a first in 8 years), but stop this bad thing that you are doing. I have read both sides and made my decision. You? Ok, you have already, fine. Seen anyone with polio or smallpox lately, or whooping cough or diphtheria? THIS IS WHAT VACCINES DO. Please inform yourself, vaccines work and save lives. Mebbe read a little about Jonas Salk, or thimerosal and its toxicity, and make your own informed decision.
  12. I read the interwebs widely, and often take comfort in my educated Canadian smugness regarding fear mongering inside the country of our fine neighboUrs to the south. The health care 'debate' is a case in point. Instead of debating whether the current President is making wise decisions in the best interest of the US, the debate has devolved to whether Obama is Hitler. Back to my backyard, reading this thread is a sad thing for me and mirrors some of the incredible crap mentioned above. Naysayers defend their ignorance as a justifiable position and celebrate fear mongers and conspiracy theorists. Our current debate pits facts against Bull and calls it a difference of opinion. This similarity to the debate in the US is most troubling to me, and I don't get it. There's a 'low information' mob shouting 'Shenanigans' holding the most vulnerable of our folks out as sacrifices to their refusal to protect their own health and those of the weakest members of their families. Shame. If you don't understand why people are standing in line for flu protection for eight hours outside holding a baby, then maybe you should do some research and do a favour for your family, your employer, the folks on the bus, and your sick Gramma. Why don't we teach critical thinking in our schools any more? This is miserable. </rant>
  13. Nice report, Joanne. Great to see some familiar faces once again. Thanks.
  14. Like most things, if you want economy, you are going to have to pay for it. Still lovin my 76 CSX, incredibly sensitive receiver, long battery life. 2 GB card holds tons of topo maps, waterproof, and it floats.
  15. It's an honour to say again that new life is the best thing ever. It will always be so..
  16. douG


    Now everyone is going to want a turn.
  17. That looks larger than the claim, fine fish!
  18. In the Chat Suite this evening, OFC is hosting the Quinte FAQ, all questions answered.
  19. A gorgeous shot of a beautiful woman, scenery, and some of my favourite fish. I almost smacked you because I thought you said you caught fish in the 20-25 " range. I re-read your post before going off, and realized what almost was an embarrassing mistake. Must be getting old.
  20. Yer a strange one, misfish.
  21. Very nice work, Cliff. Fine boatsmanship, and great photography. You did a helluva job there, just superb. Don't let him forget that either, Carole. Nice fishes.
  22. Amazing that the killer whales didn't tip the Zodiac, being all pissed off about lunch and all. Very cool.
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