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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. Ya know what Glen, that old Eatons of mine does not even have a drain plug, lol. But, considering its age, it don't leak a whole lot. Only have to bail out a bit of water maybe 3 times a day.
  2. Ummm.................all my old boats, are still my old boats, lol. 17 ft. springbok aluminum canoe. 14 ft. ????(who knows) fibreglass canoe. 12 ft. Eaton's aluminum boat. Never owned anything else.
  3. With all these great responses, all the words have been said already. Congrats Peter.
  4. LOL, I had a vision of a different kind of "present", on the carpet. BTW, lots of them die from heart attacks after being caught, it may not have knocked itself senseless on the fence. At least, thats what I have read. Don't know if its true. Once caught one in a trap(my buds trap, got it around the midsection) got it into my hands, and I could feel its heart beating a mile a minute. But, soon as its feet touched the snow, it was gone in a flash, and left me with a face full of white fluffy cold stuff, lol.
  5. Iv Id cun stop szneedzin und coffin, gotd u cowld. And if I am still awake.
  6. Ummm.....and I think I can speak for Art also....................... NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. My back yard is now a rink, or at least it will be after it dips below zero tonight. Its been raining yesterday and today up here. Snow will still be in the bush, but the 4 inches or so I had is gone now.
  8. Donations of some prizes Joe, something, anything, you have laying about that you are no longer using, but are in great shape. I meant to do that last year, but got wrapped up in work, and, sadly, forgot to do so. Maureen, I will need your mailing address again. It's........"somewhere".......on my pc, lol.
  9. Those distances and times sound about right. I made the drive from Orillia to TBay in 16 hrs. basically on the dot, including about a 1 hr. stop in Sudbury for dinner, and a half hour in the Sioux going into town looking for an Esso station for our gas card this past august. Also filled up with some Timmies joy juice to keep us awake. One thing Dustin, if you and your party drive after the sun goes down, watch out for moose up here. Really, really big animals, especially down between Wawa and the Sioux. Thats Lake Superior Provincial Park territory, and since there is no hunting there, they get very big, found that out first hand about 11:30 pm at the top of the hill before the Old Woman River. I think we missed her by about 10 ft. at 80 kmh. Would have seriously ruined our night, especially with the transport coming at us in the other lane. Actually, it is the transport we have to thank, its lights gave me the silouette of the moose, and I yelled out loud "moose" which allowed my bud enough time to hit the breaks. Biggest cow moose I have ever seen. And, don't forget, lots of the gas station places on the highway up here are closed after 10pm. Thats why we had to go into the Sioux to find a station, the ones on the highway were closed. Same thing in Wawa, but probably was a station or two open in the town, just not on the highway. I think one was open in White River, nothing open in Terrace Bay, Nipigon is a big truck stop area, so they are open. Between Nipigon and TBay, there is the Pass Lake truck stop 25 min. east of us, open 24 hrs., but west of us a place called Sistonen's corners is closing completely(unless another company buys it). Then, I don't know of anything between us and Atikokan open after 10 pm. Course, Atikokan is only 2 hrs. and 10 min. at speed limit from us.
  10. You too, or is that two, eh Dan, lol. What a great community this place is.
  11. Ya know whats funny about this, its that I can recognize almost everyone in that post, yet, I have only met two of them in person. Lessee if I can come close here....................... Top row: Smokey(Mike), Carp(Remo), Bighfish1965(Rick),Raf(Raf),Ron(Ron),Spiel(Chris)tjsa(lol.. me) 2nd row: Whopper(Phil),Eh(Mike),Misfish(Brian),Doug(douG),Muskiestudd(Chris),Marc Thorpe(Marc Thorpe), Webmistress(Monique),...darn, know the face..IceGuyD??? 3rd row, excluding the tiller man.......... Robin(Robin), OK, who does not know that smile, its Roger, lol, not quite sure of the person beside him, Joey(will you still remember us when you are famous),another I am not to sure of, TEP(Jef), DanC(Dan), and finally the bottom fee..........row: Crazyhook(Jamie),not to sure about the 2nd person, pic is too small, Roy(GOD),Lew(above GOD),darnnit all, I actually recognize that next pic, but the name escapes me right now, must be the beer, lol., TERRY(Terry),Irishfield(Wayne),UB(lol),and finally, .......TJQ(who knows his first name??? ..... anyone???)
  12. Cool. You still gonna remember us peons when you are famous, lol?
  13. OR, instead of registering on a photo site........................ This is a good photo resizing program, and its free. http://www.download3000.com/download-Visua...t-reg-8155.html Download it, and install it. Make a new folder on your desktop, or anywhere you like, and call it whatever you want. Copy your pictures into said folder. Start up Visualizer Photo Resize, and indicate the path to your folder. You can now choose size and aspect ratio, along with "options" such as a watermark or embedded text such as a copyright logo before hitting the resize button on the bottom right. You can resize multiple pictures also, not just one at a time. I have done about 10 or more over 1 meg in size, and it takes only seconds. Once you hit resize, the program makes a new folder in the folder you created, called "resized", and in that folder your pictures will usually be small enough to upload to message boards.
  14. Yer kiddin right??? Yer kiddin us, right, Norm??????? Please tell us yer kiddin???????????
  15. Cant't get there Joe, page won't load properly to access chat, sorry.
  16. Hmmmmmm...........Jamie is at the tiller, and you are the dead weight.....er..........anchcor man, lol. How can we go wrong??????
  17. LOL, excellent, you even got me in there. At least you didn't use greencoachdogs avatar, thankfully.
  18. It may have been posted before, who knows, but it is funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZem44-d5s0...ted&search= GIT 'ER DUN
  19. Like misfish said, any sonar can be used as a portable unit, just takes the use of an appropriate battery, and the sealed lead acids work just fine. But, the use of LCD's in winter months is limited to temperature. They can be really slow displaying, or not work at all if not protected. I have used my eagle Fish I.D. in winter, in warmer temps, but not in anything less than -10C. Don't want to risk damage to it in colder temps. I don't own a flasher yet, may not even buy one, I know my area pretty well.
  20. Don't own a spud, but generally when I get out, others have been out ahead of me. But, in the odd times we are there first, early ice, I use my axe to check the ice. I nice solid whack, you can generally determine the safe areas. If it sounds like a dull thud, give it another few hits. If it sounds like a more solid higher pitched impact, go a few meters more, and hit it again. You need to be able to identify that sound, and that takes experience. Ummmmmmmm..........bin der, dun dat, got the soaker to prove it, lol.
  21. Heya Steve, welcome back, I remember those pics well. Take care now, and let the healing process complete itself. Besides, you're the only "Postie" we have that we can pick on, lol.
  22. Nice, although I would have to use the 36 ft. red pine in my front yard to hold all of my tackle bought over the years, lol.
  23. I agree with Remo, that bites. And if you do have a pic of it, yes, please post it. We just might get lucky and see it somewhere in use. Probably not me though, I am too far away. Regardless, I hate theives.
  24. My personal best this year, a 19" by 12.5" brook trout.
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