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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. I should be there, if I don't pass out first, lol. Been a heckuva 2 weeks, and got another to go before my life gets back to semi-normal attitude for about a month. Then, the madness all starts over again Jan. 2nd. Please excuse any wierd comments, suppositions, attempts at humour, or general "what the heck are you talking about" remarks I may type. . . . . Just re-read what I typed above, sounds like I will be my normal self. Yeah, the old "triptophan attack", know it well.
  2. Click on the CONTOURS link, then click on the lake name at the top of the next page.
  3. http://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/
  4. Nice ride. Below is a decent atv site. http://www.atvtime.com/phpBB2/
  5. AND, you also did not wait long enough for me to check chat, I was multi-tasking at the time, lol.
  6. The knit gloves I am talking about, you can feel bites with, they are not a thick knit, but a tight knit. Not those ones that allow you to pull your fingers out of while still wearing them. Those things are thick, too thick, will keep your fingees warm when worn, but not really practical up here.
  7. Rick, .................your evil. And you abandoned chat too soon.
  8. Sure they can help you out, which way did you come in, lol. No worries PatrickGG, see the post sticky about moving your post count over, you just have to pm a moderator for it to happen. Rick is just too fast, lol.
  9. Where's your avatar Rizzo???? or is it going to be brought out when the ice finally does form???
  10. LOL, those monikers are not gender specific, the software probably does not recognize gender in usernames.
  11. The resultant outcome of the investigation. http://www.ocoa.ca/Pages_MNRnews/Documents...7DrydenDeer.htm http://www.ocoa.ca/Pages_MNRnews/Documents...nhunterfled.htm http://www.ocoa.ca/Pages_MNRnews/Documents...5DrydenDeer.htm
  12. The person who shot the deer illegaly was charged and convicted. The MNR guy was recovering the deer the same evening it was shot, acting on a tip from the public. The deer is on display in Dryden.
  13. A bud of mine works for the MNR, and we get together with another bud, and make a mass order of a dozen each of commercial fishermen gloves every two years. They are a tight knit glove, and even when wet still keep your hands warm to a degree. I carry 6 pairs of them with me, wrapped up in a used minnow bag, they are very tough plastic bags. When one pair gets too wet, change up. And for maximum warmth when riding into the lake, I wear big mitts I bought probably 20 yrs. ago. They are green duck cotton, with a leather palm and thumb, and the cuff goes up half way to my elbow. No problem. I have had them for so long because I only wear them when riding the sled or quad, then they are stowed to prevent them from getting wet, and put back on for the ride out. Other than that, I just keep my gloved hands in my jacket pockets as much as possible to prevent them from getting wet.
  14. Very well done, I see it had a lamprey on it recently also.
  15. There is a couple inches on some lakes up here in northwestern ontario, but with a recent warm trend, not much will be happening for a bit.
  16. LOL, no worries, I am sure douG will "rip me a new one" next time in chat,
  17. Percher is probably correct, saw his post. Why is douG crawling???? Never seen a pic of Sam before, OK, should remember now. Headhunter, I might remember, but only if half his face is in a pic post, lol. I still do not wanna know about that pic of Roy and douG, with.................whatever's on Roy's head, on a bed, in a hotel room, with a six string, and cheap bedside lamp, and cheesy painting on the wall, ..................please, do not offer an explanation. Ba da ding, da, ding, da, ding, da, ding, (imagine a banjo sound) lol. Bites tongue really, really hard.
  18. No problem, he was distracted for some reason or another, but shouldn't have been, and you were in the right place at the right time to rescue his setup. Good on you, and let your bud know to take more care and be more attentive. Its his rod that the fish hit on, his fish to fight, and land or lose. Unless, you had your line in the water at the same time. what you kinda described above sounds like party fishing, and is not allowed by law, ie: "I find out after that NO ONE else he fishes with ever gives up a rod when they set the hook no matter who's rod..... " Sounds like a fishing trip on a charter on Lake O, that may be allowed as the charter guys provide all the gear, but not on a trib. on land. If you did not have your line in the water at the time, you could have legitimatelly landed the fish yourself, and claimed it as yours if you decided to keep it. There may be some interpretation of the law here, I might be a bit off base, but I don't think so if your line was not in the water at the time. At least you saved your bud from the embarrasment of losing his gear. I have never had that scenario happen to me on a trib though, ice fishing once way back when yes, lol. My "bud" had to relieve himself, and his line went down nearer to me than him. I set the hook, then yelled at him. I was probably in an infraction of the law at the time, but did not think about it at the time, as I was attending both of my lines at the same time. But since he was on shore, grunting away, and the line was spooling off at high speed, I just reacted. We do not let that scenario happen now. Lines are pulled for "relief".
  19. Great report Joey. the lake sure does look a little unsettling in that one pic, and you are definately layered in the other one, lol. LOL, I will not ask about that 1st pic with Roy and douG. the 2nd one looks like it was taken under a blacklight, but is probably just flash related. Who are the bookends on each side of Roy? Wayne looks "uneasy" in the 3rd. Terry looks happy in the 4th. Is Wayne asking douG, do you see that light?? in the 5th. Biteme looks relatively lucid, whozzat beside him? in the 6th. LOL, Tybo looks just as bad as I do after a fishing trip. Course I don't look all that well before a fishing trip, lol. OK, who is that crawling on all fours??? in the 8th. I think I know, but am not sure. Glad Shelley made it there. Looking awesome as usual Joey, and, ummmm, you too Paul, lol. Too bad your fishing did not turn into catching, but thats fishing. LOL, way back when(25+ years ago) we had a guy who went out fishing steelhead that I barely knew. He would always say when asked when are you going fishing, his answer was "crack of dawn". He never made it out before 11 am ever that I know of, but that moniker stuck on him for some time. I see you added about 4 pics. Who are those 3-4 people??
  20. Nice report, too bad I will in all probability never make this event, work related reasons, and the damn flight expense, lol. The cost of the flight would be more than putting out the cost for the cabin, launch, food, etc. etc.
  21. WTG Fidel. Looks like a pure chromer just in the river.
  22. I guess the race is over, Dan is back posting here, lol.
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