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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. WHAT??????? CC, and SKUNKED, in the same post???? What is this world coming to? Ah well Scott, it happens to all of us at times. I kinda feel like "equal" to you now, lol. I did say kinda.
  2. yup, nice pics of................pics, but they are the thumbnails, lol. No worries, you will figger it out soon.
  3. I'm just guessing here, but did JJ win??? What's NASCAR??? LOL!!!!!!!
  4. Nice fish guys, glad you had success.
  5. Since the new board started up, we can now upload pics directly from our pc's without the use of photobucket, or other pic hosting sites. As long as they are not to big, megapixel wise. http://www.download3000.com/download-Visua...t-reg-8155.html The above program allow us to do that, probably window XP resizer also, but like I said, I have never used it, got used to the above program and use it all the time. It usually resizes to less than 100k for my 3.2 mp full size pics. Never had an issue here, or with other similar software boards.
  6. Oh yeah Mepps, I did set the parameters for 640 x 480 for resizing, forgot about that. Did that a couple of years back, and that setting has been there ever since. It's the little fiddly details we forget to mention, lol.
  7. I rarely find fish that size, maybe in the 8 lb. range, but that is the reality of where I fish. BOQ is a much different place, seen pics and videos of fishing there, size wise, its foreign to me. Not that I do not like the size of the fish I catch, but would dearly love to tangle with some that size. Good going Gnoddy, and thanks for the report.
  8. Kevin,................ohhhh Kevin(capt. hooked), where are you????
  9. download this program that Terry put me onto a few years back: http://www.download3000.com/download-Visua...t-reg-8155.html Windows XP resizer probably works also, but I have never used it. Make a folder on your desktop called anything you like. copy your pics into it. Start up this program, and point it to that folder, then hit resize. It will make a new folder in that folder called resized. Point your attatchments to that resized folder and files therein, and all will be good. And get the lead out will ya, we want pictures, lol.
  10. The article writer states: "Unfortunately, the IGFA has not discovered 21st Century thinking and their outdated "new record analysis" dictates that the fish has to be killed and brought to them, which basically leaves real catch-&-release sportsman like Tim Matheson out of luck. The fish is so obviously bigger that they cannot ignore it for long. Let the controversy begin!" I doubt there will be much controversy, speculation for sure, but not controversy. The IGFA is in the 20th centry. They have to be in order to declare a fish a world record. But, since the fish was not kept, and a DNA sample not analyzed , the fish will not be declared a world record. It cannot be in this day and age. There was a fish up here in the Thunder Bay area caught a few yrs. back which was also thought to be a new record brookie, which looked every inch a brookie. It was caught, and kept. DNA analysis though determined it was a splake. You never know for sure. Maybe even Dr. Cooks fish was a splake, but back then, fish identification was purely visual inspection. Whatever, that was then, this is now, and his record stands, as it should. Regardless, nice fish, and I applaud Tim for releasing it. It was his choice to do so. I don't think I would have though, lol. That record is one of maybe two that I can actually remember for what I fish for, but my guesstimation of size isn't that accurate, and I don't carry scales with me, just a measuring tape, and I would not mind one iota being known for the next 50 plus years or more as the owner of the brook trout record for killing a brook trout that size that was the actual new record. I am all for catch and release, but I also practice hook and cook for some species. But, that record, I would dearly love to be able to surpass. Ain't gonna happen, but it would be nice. Still looks like a brookie to me, who knows, I have never caught one getting near that size to be able to properly dispute it. Biggest for me is a 19" by 12.5" fish, weighed about 3.75 lbs., my personal best. I mean, when they are that size, who of us are experienced enough to know??? I have those pics saved, and have blown them up on my pc, and all the markings seem to be there. But..........without the DNA analysis, no record will be forthcoming, unfortunately. Let the speculation begin..........as if it hasn't already started.
  11. We do Joe if we butcher it ourselves.
  12. My bud's dad's deer from 2 weekends ago. Not a biggun, but he was happy. Another buds deer last monday, rattled it in. Could only see the head and neck through the trees. My best bud's deer, yesterday.
  13. OK, so thats why those thread got locked, couldn't figger it out. Sent you an e-mail Joe.
  14. That first pic, oh, it can't be you, lol. You've changed bud. I think I know who the fifth pic is. I definately know who 11, 12, and 13 are. 11 and 12 I have met. 18, 19, 20, and 21 are obvious to anyone who has been here for a while, Lew, Jaden, Grilw, Reefhawg. 23 is GaryV 28..........LOL, camillj 35 is Avery 36 is Steve(photoz) 37 is DanC I think I got all that right. At least I think so. And Robin, yeah, you were good looking back when, lol.
  15. Ummmmmm, care to explain your signature, inquiring minds want to know
  16. You did good, in both categories, nice fish.
  17. Welcome daisygi...............er..........Lorissa, glad you made the switch over. How is your son doing, got a chance to get together with him yet since he got back??
  18. You shouldn't have to do anything to your pics. At the bottom of your new topic post, or reply to a post, there is an option for uploading pictures. Select "browse" and choose your picture file wherever it is located on your pc, and hit upload, another box will show up to say "add picture, or image" to post, then hit "add reply".
  19. You find a software supplier, and pay through the nose for it, lol. My garmin topo software for canada cost me about 120 bucks I think a couple of years ago, although it could have been more. It was a bundled package with the gps unit
  20. OK, you were Nanook on the old, old board, then you were Tincanner on the old board, now you're Nanook on the new board..........................................................sheesh!! Make up yer mind will ya Jack,
  21. Welcome aboard Shelley, there is no fuss really, everyone is migrating from the old board(and at last count there were 1,859 members ), and are registering and trying to get used to this new board. Its going to be a learning curve for a bit for all of us, even though I am used to this format from another older version of this software.
  22. C'mon Fidel, we need a toronto waterfront report, with a pike picture.
  23. Yeah, but the defences are still working, until TJ pulls his finger out of the dike, then, look out, lol. Its gonna get crazy in here. Glad I am off friday, going hunting, will miss the influx. Hope the new software survives
  24. Welcome to the new funhouse Ric, Nemo, BPSbassman, and everyone else.
  25. Yes, take care all that can make it to the BOQ, and take lots of pictures for those of us that cannot make it.
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