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Everything posted by mepps

  1. I dont have the best form, but I grew up in the ocean...
  2. One of the guys I work with left thier car in the lot overnight...
  3. Used to play alot Of Counterstrike...not recently though.
  4. Ispent most of my time in salt water, but here goes... I helped my boss Colin, get into his first tarpon... I promised some folks visiting from BC some fishing excitement and then landed this beauty... Landed this beauty while tryign to help my frined Nic catch his first... Nic followed this with his first Jack, one fo the biggest I have seen... And finally, the FIRST tarpon i managed to get out of the water. This beauty took an hour to reel in, hooked it shortly after midnight. I managed to snap this picture while all alone, balancing my camer on a rock! (all caught in the BVI)
  5. Where are the fishing tattoos??
  6. Well, at least the van didnt break down on the way home...
  7. I would love some, not sure on the prep work though...
  8. Born in the Virgin Islands. Grew up all over the place, but spent the majority of my life in Mississauga Ontario.
  9. I took Monday and Tuesday off work, so look for my report on Wednesday!
  10. Well, next year when he catches it it should be over 90lbs, and the year after, over 100!
  11. I know peopel that have got cars and trucks from Ebay with no troubles atall.
  12. Great report! I love the salt water reports!
  13. White Gulp sinking minow, Clown X-rap and 2 inch silver spoons will catch you just about every fish in the reef!
  14. I have caugth cudas trolling them
  15. I have fished there a couple times, caught nothing but pike, rockbass and smallmouth. As listed above, there is definetly musky there.
  16. An amazing fish for sure... As for the phone number - It cold be a phone number from an old owner of the fork lift. I saw machinery in the Virgin Islands with Canadain numbers and flags on em.
  17. I dont seen any either...
  18. great job! Looks like a beauitful day
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