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Everything posted by mepps

  1. Sorry to hear about that Cliff, some people will do anythign to get ahead, even if that means stomping down some one else
  2. Google VOB to AVI converter (or to whatever format you want) Here is VOB to AVI converters top choice on google... http://www.allformp3.com/dvd-copy-software/vob-to-avi.htm Chances are you can find free software to convert just abotu any file type to another.
  3. Same as fish finder, I throw away the bioderadable. I hang on to the others as long as I can, never know when they may come in handy.
  4. Avid is another choice (http://www.avid.com/freedv/) but I used it for a while a couple years back and the learning curve is much steaper.
  5. Crazy! We are almost at 2 million on our site
  6. Yeah, if you have XP, you have Movie Maker - easy to use, but can crash randomly (at least for me) so make sure to save often! Here is a list of some others too: http://desktopvideo.about.com/od/softwarer...stfreesw_ro.htm
  7. Looks like a great year Steve, all the best in 07!
  8. if you can find a bride over water that has street lights, go there at night and you shoudl be able to catch ample bait and tarpon, although im not sure of their migration in that area.
  9. That is the common misconception for Linux, running Ubuntu is not much different then windows, it even looks similar! If you have an old PC lyign aroudn and get board, I say give it a try!
  10. Im with Rick, AVG and Kapersky is better then Norton. Personally I would say stay away from Norton and Mcafee all together. I consider myself to be pretty hardcore computer user. I reun alot of domanding software and games and having a spiyware/virus program that sucks up resources is just not gonna gut it for me. I have used AVG for ages, and its great, I also liked usign NOT32 which i got from teh place I was working. You can find free software for just about everything you need. I recently started using Ubunto (no cost linux OS) and I am very impressed with teh amount of open source free software offered to do just about everythign you cost hundreds (or thousands) to do on a windows machine. http://www.ubuntu.com/
  11. make lures, play video games...
  12. had a yamaha 2hp - wish i stil did, loveeeed it! (was on a canoe)
  13. Looks good! (windows XP, Opera 9.0.1)
  14. Cant really say a favorite, I listen to a little bit of everyhting, but recently: genre: Reggae, punk, hip hop Bands: Bedouin Soundclash, Bob Marley, illScarlett Under rated: Alkaline Trio
  15. I have been using 0.051 and 0.062 - i dodnt have anything but barehands and plyers to work with - so my lures are made with blood sweat and tears (literally) I just got some smaller wire this Christmas, but havent tested them yet of course. For musky I say stick with 51-62 - but if you look at Mepps #5 spinners they do not use very thick wire...so its probably not necessary to have really heavy wires unless your beads have big holes.
  16. i'm all for it, but personally I like to leave the background it and do various touch ups to make things look nicer (like DanC)
  17. great deal! I find most electronics are much cheaper in the US - especially digital cameras!
  18. Thanks guys, I'll check em out tomorrow!
  19. Anyone know where I can pick up a cheap air compressor unit? I went to Canadian tire the other day and they told me thy only had 12v or super expensive ones - neither of which is what I want and need. Wal-mart had a few in their camping section, but prices were not as good as I expected. any ideas? It does not need to be high power, and I would prefer if it was small (its for attaching to a powder coat system I will be using for my lures)
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