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Everything posted by BucktownAngler

  1. can anybody recommend a good board that they use? are there any out there for big baits specifically, or do they all need to have upgraded clips, etc.?
  2. dont think the ipad handles direct sunlight and heat very well.
  3. cant go wrong with a Caenan. it cast very well, easy to use. good bang for buck
  4. pretty sure all current boat seats are made to last, and not rot/stink BPS has a lot also pretty sure this falls under fishing related topic
  5. i picked up a new reel for $100 taxes in, that wouldve cost me $119 + tax at the store, or $129 + tax & shipping online. got a great deal. Plus they have a lot of gear that you cant get in local tackle shops, and have to order online. this is a good chance to pick those things up without paying shipping. plus great seminars, demos, speakers, etc. cant see how you can wrong here.
  6. ive used both split and full grip cork, and i like both. cant go wrong with either. they both have their advantages. not a fan of microguides. id go regular guides
  7. anybody have any spots (cottage/cabin) they can recommend for a musky trip to LSC? doesnt need to be family friendly as this will be strictly fishing. waterfront with a dock is key
  8. cant beat canadian tire for them get it on the spot. no issues no delays
  9. care to share what something like that costs?
  10. i was under the impression that DSI (downscan) is not good for ice fishing. Apparently you need to be moving. i guess thats not the case
  11. i just get mine at canadian tire. not to hijack, but i was checked by MNR at simcoe coming off the lake a couple weeks ago. (no fish in my possession) Not that i mind, because i had it on me.....but if i forgot it, could he have done anything? i wasnt fishing at the time, and had no fish in my possession
  12. i do! ill be going even if i dont win them. Looking forward to the musky seminar on saturday
  13. does anybody have any info about this lake? wondering how the conditions are, if its safe, etc. i hear there is a current that could make some spots sketchy ive never been here before, not even sure if its worth my time. just looking to try a new spot other then simcoe. does anybody know where there is walk on access with some decent fishing near by? dont want to have to walk 5km to get to a good spot. especially with the snow there calling for on thurs night will be targeting pike, maybe walleye
  14. good job..thx for the report
  15. how many civilians get away with DUI? id like to know how many officers get away with DUI, when its frowned upon to arrest a fellow officer. http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/crime/article/1202587--rookie-cop-takes-heat-for-arresting-off-duty-officer
  16. i would also like to hear them chime in on this this is very true i just hope this doesnt get swept under the rug. if it does, it might be saying something about the barrel
  17. went in to buy a 5lb propane tank. website shows it for $34.99 refurbished i get in there no stock. they check the computer, none of the stores stock them. however they might be able to order one for me but have no clue how long it would take. i bite the bullet and buy a new one for $50 from CTC, then go back to home hardware to get it filled. they charge me $7 and change to fill it, while they charge $14.99 to fill a 20lb what the hell? also bought a 5 gallon bucket, no price tag on it, turns out to be $8 at the register. $3.50 for a 5 gallon bucket at home depot no wonder there were more employees then customers in there
  18. id fish everyone of those would hate to see them collect dust
  19. i must be confused here. are we talking about lake herring? (cisco) where would you even find live herring?
  20. "The content owner has not made this video available on mobile" - Youtube App Little help?
  21. i like i like
  22. 40" pike 50" musky 10lb walleye 6lb LMB/SMB any laker any whitefish 300 smelts
  23. x 2 plus the musky seminar they had last year was great. im not sure if they will be doing that again this year. they have better deals on tackle sportsman show didnt have much going on...too much non-fishing (or hunting) related stuff they do have more outfitters at the sportsman show however, if youre looking to plan your next trip
  24. it hasnt been safe since xmas with the exception of vb/pb for about a week maybe. 90% of the lake still unsafe and yes its true, it could happen to any of us. but some people just need to use better judgement. i saw this video on youtube, i hope buddy doesnt mind if i link it.
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