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Everything posted by BucktownAngler

  1. FYI....Shell gas station has free air.
  2. At home my computer shows posts with all the replies below. at work, the replies in the posts are links and i have to click each one to read the different replies. How do i change it so that it loads all replies on the page automatically like my home computer?
  3. Anybody know about the conditions on Canal Lake? suitable for fishing yet? Also, anybody know of someone who rents boats there? I rented last year from a guy who had a couple aluminums and a pontoon. Cant remember who or where though....
  4. What are the daily limits on the Ling on simcoe?
  5. i can confirm that
  6. i would love to keep the pike i catch. they do taste great! but i cant get the Y bones out, so i dont even bother keeping them
  7. Thanks Bud....Much appreciated
  8. yeah could you post the maps up if you dont mind? im thinking of going to scugog this weekend. or you can email me at [email protected] thanks
  9. im heading up there this weekend....be back monday night, check then for updates/pics
  10. where do you go to fish on the t.o. islands? i've never been there before, in fact didnt know you could fish there until i read this. are you fishing from shore? or off a boat? can you rent boats there? how do you get there? do you have to pay?...details please.... thanks
  11. theyre pretty good maps, depth and fish species in the area is marked. as well as weed beds i believe... the only thing, the dont last long over time....so unless you get it laminated, youll probably need to buy another one down the road. also, theyre selection isnt the greatest....the have most of the major fishing spots. but dont have a lot
  12. i am also planning a trip to the French River for May 29-June ...Staying at Wolesely's Lodge. This would be my first time fishing there. From what i've heard theres some good spots right off the dock there in the bay. Anybody know any other spots around there i should check out? or maybe i should avoid? also, what methods/baits work best for that time of year? Late spring We will be mostly fishing for Pike with some pickerel also for shore lunches. Does anybody know where i can get a map of the lake? i know i can get one when i get there, but id like to have one prior so i can make a game plan of the spots i want to fish. thanks
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