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Everything posted by BucktownAngler

  1. lady evelyn lake lots of lodges to choose from
  2. peo im sure most people dont know phil or his situation. they just know etackle isnt coming through for them. no different then "bad mouthing" sail or BPS
  3. i've been on ice shanty, and visit it frequently during the winter months. i love the way its set up. its very easy for someone new to the site to find the information they're looking for without having to post something thats been answered 1000 times, and its easy to get answers/help on a specific question. this site has lots of barely used sub forums - announcements/contests & fishing news. dont these fall under general discussion? do we have so many contests and fishing news that they need their own subforum? also the review forum - pretty pointless if negative reviews cant be posted. i guess the negative ones need to be posted in general discussion. like all the guys who were hating on wolseleys lodge the other day. i guess its acceptable if posted in the proper subforum regarding a trip report section, i'd love to see one. great to be able to find them all in one spot and browse through them all. even the old ones. especially the old ones. how do you know what to search for, if you dont know it exists? i would've never known to search for eddie norths/attawapiskat if i didnt read the reports first. this goes for many other of the locations people have posted reports on.
  4. not only do they cast better, they hold up better to the abuse of reeling in big baits. the lexa 300 has a plastic bushing for the pinion gear, unlikely to hold up a long time
  5. its not for the fish, its for the baits.
  6. what do you plan on throwing with it?
  7. http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=7969255&Sku=L350-2052
  8. i got the same trolling rod. its pretty sweet
  9. why is this a bad idea? im not a river/salmon guy so i have no clue
  10. i think etackle sells TI rods
  11. lets see some pics. what type of hardware and leader material?
  12. im sure once you drop a few couple hundred on a pair you'll take the extra effort/precaution to not lose or damage them. i know i would
  13. you should sneak out to a strip club when the wife falls asleep
  14. i fished up in that area. we didnt even have depth finders, we just trolled shallow diving crankbaits and caught at least 40 fish each a day. combination of pike walleye and bass. some blue walleye too. best bait for me was original floating rapala. gold colour i also caught a musky trolling right in front of andersons lodge, i've heard thats a good spot for musky.
  15. its not bad there. good for the kids. you can catch a couple there i've seen guys using fly rods that do very well there. i've seen some nice size fish come out of there but most are 12" or so
  16. heard about this. prefer not to even read the letter
  17. http://www.cp24.com/news/officer-charged-in-yatim-s-death-to-be-arrested-tuesday-1.1417157 there's a video on youtube of the incident. im sure most have seen it
  18. we should be able to post on here, maybe put the review section to use. there hasnt been a post on there in over a month
  19. ya he dies for sure. if he doesnt get killed it will be the cancer
  20. Its on AMC, youre 1 season behind. you can use couch tuner to catch up x 2 hate skylar
  21. wow. amazing episode last night. one of the few shows that keeps getting better as it goes on.
  22. i use seaguar fluoro leader material (not flouro line) with a uni to uni knot. I have never had a knot fail. even after having the leader frayed and chewed up i was still able to land an 9lb walleye on it. no barrel swivel needed unless dropshotting.
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