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Everything posted by BucktownAngler

  1. you should send him a bogus quote for $3600 since it is 50/50 after all
  2. yup 50/50 offer him $400 -$500 take it or leave it hes going to have to spend at least that on the deductable if he goes through insurance.
  3. if no police report, that guy is SOL
  4. PVC pipe cost me $17 for the pipe and 2 end caps at home depot, i just cut it down to size have used it to ship rods, transport rods, and bring rods on a flight
  5. spring fishing show is the show to go to. free parking, cheaper entry fee, better deals, more geared to fishing, the musky show (if they have it this year), etc.
  6. for bass i tend to just reel normally. the reel is fast enough i don't have to go crazy fast to maintain tension. for musky fishing with slower reels sometimes i have to go reel my off to keep tension on the line
  7. doubt that...from what ive seen online, Cabelas Canada is just as overpriced if not more then BPS. i remember when senkos were $9.99 at BPS and $6-7 anywhere else (including Sail, 5 mins down the road)
  8. LOL same
  9. would prefer food delivery drones, or minnow delivery drones
  10. http://fishhutrentals.com/Home
  11. was checked on kbay on the weekend....my buddy left his license in the truck (the CO thought he was BSing), so the CO looked him up , he was so disappointed that he had a valid license that he stormed off and didn't even check mine.
  12. i think you can get similar performance out of a $30-$50 speaker you're paying a premium for the waterproofness
  13. i've never heard that one before, but i have listened to about 4 or 5 different models in the store, and the Bose was hands down winner. http://www.futureshop.ca/en-CA/product/bose-bose-soundlink-mini-bluetooth-speaker-silver-soundlink-mini/10257469.aspx
  14. Jesus would walk on water right onto the hotspot
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1ChMsOpOlQ
  16. I've seen a green electric auger at CTC in Barrie. Might've been the ION, not sure I'd go for the Ice gator instead
  17. "Dear Canadian Tire" has it beat
  18. how does the duck dynasty thread get locked, but this doesn't? LOL
  19. should just setup a tipup outside the hut
  20. check this out for info on ice fishing access. you'll need to do your research on ice conditions though. http://www.bing.com/maps/?v=2&cp=44.134715~-77.208340&lvl=11&dir=0&sty=r&trfc=1&cid=1AD446CFA8A507FA!164&form=LMLTCC
  21. install a set of HIDs into a headlights like these. http://www.ebay.com/itm/PAIR-CHROME-HALO-PROJECTOR-HEADLIGHTS-w-LED-PARKING-LIGHTS-FOR-2012-2013-ACCENT-/301024353521?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Year%3A2013%7CMake%3AHyundai%7CModel%3AAccent&hash=item4616731cf1&vxp=mtr u need headlights with projectors
  22. ive been looking at popups too. the shappell looks like the best bang for the buck. im sure the eskimo is good, but the shappell is bigger, cheaper and thicker fabric. 600D the wide doors and windows are nice too http://www.sportsmansguide.com/net/cb/shappell-wide-house-6500-shelt.aspx?a=1028398
  23. Hit up gbay this weekend to chase some fall muskies. ended up getting skunked on the skis, but got a nice walleye to bite my 9" grandma. I had a feeling it wasn’t a musky because after it hit, it came into the boat like a wet log. weighed in at 9lbs, 28" not sure if it’s a PB as my previous best was 8.9lbs , 31" (longer but lighter) Either way im not complaining….beats a skunk any day of the week
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