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Everything posted by BucktownAngler

  1. this is a great point. keeps the hands away from the hooks and teeth
  2. post the pics here for everyone to see
  3. i was thinking about a spiral wrap baitcast ice fishing rod for this winter. did some searching and found one made my clam. http://www.thornebros.com/shop/pc/Clam-Jason-Mitchell-Walleye-Rod-28p2657.htm anybody use one of these? feedback? ive never seen these locally
  4. http://toronto.flyerland.ca/flyers/category/black-friday/64?pagesize=9&sortBy=mostRecent
  5. postive or not, the juice doesnt help you hit the ball. Ryan Braun tested positive last season for the same substance as Melky. this year when he's clean, he matches or beats his seasons stats from the previous year when he was juicing his 2012 clean numbers 108 Runs 41 HRs 112 RBIs 30 SBs
  6. beatuy fish. so jealous! whats up with the video quality? usually go pro vids are flawless HD
  7. awesome...nice haul. i went on one of those in Ft laud
  8. with the numbers he was putting up pre-failed test, he wouldve gotten paid for sure. plus hes still young. the short deal puts pressure on him to perform well if he wants a big pay day when his deal is up
  9. 2 years 16 mil. buy low, great deal. so much potential from this team
  10. what makes it a gimmick or gadget? if it does what it says it does, then its not a gimmick. its the same design as a conventional wooden tip up, just with a digital readout of depth. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOQ6cTI_Rd4 if it works as it does in the video, thats exactly what i would want it to do. not very gimmicky probably the same guys who hated on braid before trying it
  11. is anybody selling these yet? havent seen them anywhere
  12. i cant wait to get one of those
  13. more then likely thats the around the range that Prince fielder got paid
  14. i agree i heard he wants A-Rod money
  15. They need one at either 1B or DH Edwin cant play both.
  16. Bluejays reaction to the trade
  17. i used 15lb seaguar leader material (abrasion resistant) caught one 8lber and the line was beat up and frayed pretty good.
  18. wow. thats terrible
  19. Forgot about Wilson. capable, yes. i highly doubt D'arnaud will be the catcher they move. he's their highest rated prospect, and would have been called up last season if not for his injury. in a perfect world, they package JP & Lind for a stud DH or 1B
  20. i googled the smitty sleds. how do they attached the plastic sled to the smitty sled? i see most of the smittys are collapsable, and not permanantly mounted
  21. id like to see JP shipped out. have D'Arnaud as the starter (if hes ready) if not, John Buck as the starter whos the 4th guy? Mathis was included in the deal
  22. Record is irrelevant..look at Felix Hernandez record the last few years. hes a Top 5 pitcher in the MLB Buerle is Mr. Consistant, and hes been a AL pitcher for 12 seasons prior to last year. May not be an ace, but youre not winning nothing with just an ace. (As Halladay has proven in the past) You need a complete rotation
  23. from the website if somebody knows someone better, maybe you can get a free mount out of it
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