OI, seven is excessive, don't think I've lost that in 30 plus years of shorecasting and pier casting and I live a 3 minutes walk to a pier on the big O. I do recall a bail closing accidently mid cast and 2/5 ounce Cleo sailing into the wild blue yonder. Rotten line could have been the culprit, hence the lost line.
Grade 6, you're making me feel old, think it was grade 6 I was in when Kennedy was shot, the principal put the radio over the PA from his office. 911 was a day off work, was at home , parents called and told the wife and I to turn the News on.
Dad had a cottage on Loon Lake in Haliburton, it and Miskawabi were pretty much the start of the Burnt system, it was tea colored even in the 60's that far upstream. I understand they have now stocked some browns down in the Furnace Falls area.
I did a lot of macro back in the film days, Nikon with an 55mm. Micro Nikkor and either bellows or extension tubes. I would put the insects in the fridge for a while to sedate them down and shoot them in a setup condition like on a twig or something from their natural with a colour backdrop and a main and fill in flash to stop action and use a small aperture to increase depth of field.
I've had Coho's especially roll up in the line and break of from hardware cutting the leader while they were wrapped up, probably lost more 10 pound Cohoes than 30 pound Kings to break offs.
How many of us when drinking water out of the tap, let the tap run till the water runs cool and then fill our glass , maybe we are actually using less water and conserving the resource with the bottled stuff
You are quite correct looking at the big picture but this group " Wellington Water Watchers" smacks of NIMBYism so I was referring to effects to the local environment. These socalled environmental groups look to causes they can sell easily to a gullible well meaning public and line their pockets.
Especially when you consider that Nestle to my mind would be a clean industry pollution wise while the runoff from aggregate washing and fertilizer and pesticide laden golf courses is not.
Hope they are paying royalties, they had vacuum mount pencil sharpeners long ago , they held pretty good too on a smooth surface like a metal filing cabinet, don't know about vibration though.
Yeah, those you did up looked pretty good and mature, often I think they pull it too soon. The bags of frozen corn at the supermarket are often all yellow kernels so some one is still growing it but it doesn't make it to the fresh market.