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Everything posted by Freshtrax

  1. Simple fix it to run the power from the fans to an ignition hot power supply ie . Daytime running lights ect . That way the fans would always be on while the truck is running and the thermostat could do the work from there. It's a fix that would get the truck back on the road until you track down the gremlin.
  2. I'd love to have a bracket and a outboard over my I/o any day
  3. Although I am all for shutting down the rivers for spawning fish. Go chuck some spoons off a pier.
  4. Screw you guys Fight a 30 pounder in 300 Fow. Rainbows aren't exactly native species either. You guys jut want to fish Atlantics? Fishy History In 1989, rainbow and cutthroat trout were moved by taxonomists from the genus Salmo, which includes Atlantic salmon and brown trout, to the genus Oncorhynchus, which includes pink, sockeye, chum, Chinook, and coho salmon. Technically, the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) isnt a trout at all, but a salmon. Its also the same species as the East Asian trout. While long a fixture of Ontarios fishery, rainbows are non-native to the province. They were once found only on the West Coast of North America, but humans have widely transplanted this magnificent fish. Today, one of the most important transplanted, self-sustaining populations of steelhead in the world is in the Great Lakes. The first transplants to the Great Lakes watershed began in the U.S. in 1874, but the first introductions of steelhead to the lakes proper took place when the Aux Sables River was stocked in 1876. On the Ontario side, the first fish were brought in privately sometime in the 1890s to a headwater pond on the Nottawasaga River. The first known recovery of a steelhead in Ontario was a 4-pounder taken near Duck Island, near Manitoulin Island, in 1904. With an introduction in 1878 in the State of New York, the Lake Ontario watershed was the second Great Lake to receive rainbows. By 1920, they were well established in a number of rivers on the U.S. side. The first seeding on the Ontario side took place in 1922 into a pond in Riverside Park, Toronto. - See more at: http://www.oodmag.com/fishing/trout/a-history-of-ontario-steelhead/#.dpuf
  5. I would be disowned..my old man has 30 years in at unilever
  6. Tremclad, apply with foam roller. Buy it by the gallon at tsc. Surface prep is key. Takes a while to cure.
  7. Just saw your tire size....that will def . Limit your options.
  8. The michelins that came on my Ford supercrew were good for fuel mileage...that's it...would get stuck on wet grass going up hill....if your looking for a good all season tire look at the general grabber at2. Snowflake rated lots of siping little road noise and not too spendy I have 40 k on mine and they still look new. You will sacrifice fuel mileage.
  9. 22 ft century hardtop, 5.0l inboard. 40 mph if you have deep pockets.....likes to cruise around 25-30 mph.
  10. Anyone got a 50 gallon drum of roundup kicking around???. Just kidding of course .
  11. fair enough. I just saw ice fishing and didn't read your post.
  12. I always search the part number Sierra and stock on Amazon...saved a ton of cash over the years
  13. I was 10 miles out on lake o we saw it coming and ran for Hamilton put the boat on the trailer and the storm vanished!
  14. Dad wants to hit the lower French first weekend in October.,,, no complaints here.

  15. Hey if you can't pump gas , don't try to empty an oil tank. Now if you have a ruptured tank that's a different story. I've been pumping fuel around the farm since I could walk it's not rocket science. If your not comfortable doing it don't do it. But I don't think it's fair to say nobody can do it them self. Same people would probably say you shouldn't build your own cabin in the woods it might fall over.
  16. I would recommend a carb cleaning. If you have never done it before it can be intimidating but ask someone to come help who has done it before it's not hard at all I do my sled in 20 min every fall. You could try seafoam but with an unknown motor carb clean is the way to go.
  17. I hear ya...but common sense goes along way.
  18. Whatever you do don't cut it in half.
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