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Everything posted by Freshtrax

  1. Wow, amazing, I can't imagine how long that put together but I thoroughly enjoyed reading it for the last hour. That 47 was a slob.
  2. It is amazing at getting the dog fur our pooch is over 100 lbs and sheads year round. We had to vacuums daily before we got it now only once a week. Crappy tire has them on sale 200 offright now I think....we named ours "lurch"
  3. Bruce, just had some "plain nasty"salsa with time Nachos and it gets 3 thumbs up.
  4. Nice. When I used to live in allistion they would spook me all the time pre dawn along the notty One time a big buck almost ran me right over.
  5. Wouldn't suprize me I saw one 2 min outside Kitchener crossing the frozen grand last winter. Father in law has his fair share of cat stories from 65 years in the bush near smiths falls
  6. Almost hit an alpaca on the way home from dunnville tonight.....we herded him to the closest farm and alerted the farmer. No alpacas were harmed.

    1. bigugli


      In the good old days you only had to worry about hitting cows, pigs, deer, the occasional moose....

    2. lookinforwalleye


      would have made a nice sweater!!!

  7. There should be a trailing arm on the rear skid. I broke mine on the bravo that's how I know. when I did the drive cog skipped. Under heavy load.
  8. I'd loose it. I'd be casting over them.
  9. Tear down the secondary clean and replace buttons. If I remember they are a bit of a pain to get off on a bravo. Unlike most sleds they require a puller you can rent one at crappy tire for free.
  10. I've always done it manually... Don't know why...just have.
  11. Also check the front trailing arm on the skid carefully make sure it's not cracked.
  12. If anyone should know it would be you. What would you use in a small tin boat?
  13. Pool noodles from the dollar store. Nice and easy to cut and shape. Wont bang around.
  14. Will you be at the market weekend after this one? Were planning on heading up there.
  15. Very cool. Great works as always. Is there any upcoming opportunity for volunteers? Finclipping ect. Hech I'd come mop the floors to help out if you want.
  16. meant to post this over the weekend. AAA striploins were on sale at at Sobys over the weekend @ 7.99 /lb. bought a hundred bucks worth girl behind the counter was a peach and even wrapped them 2/ package for me.
  17. Salsa was delicious ...but do you make one hotter than "oh my"
  18. Glad you are enjoying it, I've had the farmers in the frying pan never thought to smoke any. I'm loving the pork chops with some mango chutney . Have you home smoked your bacon yet?
  19. We use em on the niagara over the winter and catch everything under the sun.
  20. Fairly confident oil was being sucked through the PCV and messing up the readings. . Glad it all worked out. You still need to figure out why there was a litre of oil missing in the first place.
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