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Everything posted by Freshtrax

  1. I guess I don't understand? What's the advantage to paying anything? I have checked my free program a few times long form on paper and it's always bang on an you can still. Net file from the free program.
  2. I use Genutax and I have fairly complicated taxes, never an issue.
  3. i just quit for the first time and made it 4 months started again over the holidays, today is my first day smoke free again .
  4. ground lamb and beef kebabs with turmeric, cyan, parsley, salt , cumin, garlic and onions, pair'd with some basmati rice
  5. thanks Chris and Tender, thats why i love this place.....id like to break up the stretch between Nipigon and Iroquois falls anyone know a good spot half way? preferably with good fishing. i have 4x4 dont mind crown land. i would also love to park the trailer and a truck on a beach somewhere along the way for a night.
  6. ahhh i never had the pleasure.... i was like Springsteen lives in northern Ontario?
  7. great suggestions, forgot to mention i will be looking to borrow/rent/by or trade a few trips out on the salmon boat for a 12-14 ft tinny that can b straped to the roof of the trailer, i already have 15 hp motor.
  8. the last two weeks of June the wife, dog and I will me doing a two week tour of Ontario so far there are a few stops planned we are skipping our normal holiday to the Caribbean to see some of the sights our beautiful province has to offer. we will be using pop up camper for accommodations. I wish there was a direct road to James bay. manitoulin( we are guests) lake superior pp. ( mom used to work there) lake nipigon PP (because i want to) And lake abitibi ( because we will be guests) just looking for sugestions of some cool sigts to see allong the way, we will be leaving via Tobermory and ferry to Manitoulin, from there on to the north. coming back the eastern side of province.
  9. there was abut 10 boats out of tiffin yesterday, some guys did great, not so much for us.
  10. If the fishings hot we might go back out Sunday
  11. Thanks Brian , were in my dads boat 16 ft tinner , might be a little tight with four. But your welcome anytime on my big boat down on lake ontairo this spring/summer.
  12. Great news. jIm has been reunited with lulu. He is pissed, no driving for a month. But he seems healthier and happier than I have seen him in a while.
  13. the first scratch is the worst. after that its relatively painless. nice ride! my brother in law thinks i'm nuts some of the places i take my truck...i just tell him ..that's why i have a 4x4 truck in the first place.
  14. there's a good guy in alliston to rebuild starters in alliston we use him on tractor stuff all the time he is about half the price of a new starter generally. for get the name of the place but he is in behind napa near earl rowe park
  15. there is a dog named patch that likes to steal fish at a camp i go to but not quite as bad a this https://www.facebook.com/keithkavajecz/videos/540189466139440/
  16. awsome, thanks for taking the time!
  17. bare bones package @ rogers is 16.99 regular price about 23 channels. its called digital lite. not advertized
  18. ive caught the odd one from waterloo to cambridge. usually fishing for bass on spinnerbaits
  19. so mad the wind wouldn't allow us out on the first. nice jiggin!
  20. i chickened out yesterday too cold with that wind. good on ya guys for getting out.
  21. sweet video you've had a great year
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