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Everything posted by Freshtrax

  1. Jim is doing ok,Still in ICU but sitting up on his own, will likely move him to cardiac recovery ward soon. the dog is doing much better. No more crying, eats fine and will occasionally go for a walk.
  2. it also keeps you in a straight line. they get cut up ever 2nd seanon or so but you only need to put down 2 5 inch strips per sled
  3. We always used strips of drop in Bedliner F rom the scrapyard.
  4. lu lu is doing better! she ate tonight my wife hand fed her and told her it was treats, still wont go for a walk but likes to romp in the backyard. we have so separate her and our dog as neither her or our 130 lb bulldog is fixed. she is in the kitchen i block the door with a piece of plywood. more importantly Jim is getting better, responding to his name and breathing without a machine now.
  5. o yea nothing drastic is bieng done that's for sure, she will eat treats And drink water, and she is going to the bathroom in the yard, it just hard to watch as a dog lover. I'm thinking of going over and grabbing a jacket of hit for her to lay with?
  6. Anyone seen the 9th line orro. Ramp? Is the snow piled up infront of it? With the west winds coming it may be a better option, line 2 is too steep for winter use in my opinion.
  7. My neighbour had a heart attack yesterday and is at the hospital. The wife and i are watching his dog. A giant. Newfoundlander nammed lu lu. She is a sweet heart. has never left his side a day in her life, she won't eat,she won't go for a walk she just lays down at the end of drive way. Any one dealt with something like this before? Thanks,
  8. Take it easy shovelling, my 57 year old new or asked me to drive him to the hospital this morning he collapsed as soon as we got there on the er. Floor. He is alive, fingers crossed.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HTHM


      That is why I have a plow on my grass cutter.

    3. GBW


      Hell @ 42 I was winded pushing my big old snowblower around!


    4. ketchenany


      The snowblower had a hard time! I stopped after the first push :)

  9. How much you want for the tekota?
  10. upgraded th boat by a few feet me and my guests caught almost 60 of these but none of these , cant wait for some sping kings!bring on some sea monsters!
  11. Good on ya I am 31 and it's hard to see some of my best buds once a year.
  12. Santa came early, Keating on kings and Great Lakes salmon and trout just showed up in my mailbox.

  13. Lol like someone's gonna go target them in zone 20 . Don't get me started.
  14. Im sure royal sells A kit but they won't do much good without hand guards to block wind
  15. yea i was fishing inlets, at sunset my baits kept etting eaten by pesky small fish.
  16. thats the yeast that ate your priming sugar, normal jut dont drink it unless you enjoy farting.
  17. the circle in aliston is a cool one smaller screens but great atmosphere. and downtown kitcener has a new one the Appolo plays allot of cult clasics and the serve beer
  18. yes i do 5 days in primary and 7 in seccondary and thats when i throw the hops in. the fist batch i did not rack over and it had an off taste. thats cool, are they hard to grow? yea i love a slightly hopped beer not a huge fan of the doubble ipa"s and stuff
  19. nice i tried in nc in the spring for sharks with no luck, i was only casting from shore the yack dropping the bait is a great idea
  20. only time i go is on scene it ponth here also.
  21. I started making my own beer have made 5 batches now and there damn good. Any one else do it? Care to share your favourites? My best so far was a montons pale ale, with some medium spray malt some extra sugar and dry hopped with 1 oz of cascade , Tastes identical to Muskoka breweries detour. I want to get into all grain brewing in the spring. Also if any one has a vintage fridge around I'm looking to convert one into a keg fridge. Also looking for some "soda kegs" or ball lock kegs
  22. Nice going guys, can't beat a trip like that.
  23. I'm not sure if it's every store as they were on clearance but maby say you saw it at the store in Kitchener and ask for a price match? They didn't have the suit in my size so I picked up the coat, better than nothing. The Salus ones seem better made.
  24. Salus one piece suits 179 Buoy o buoy. One piece 199 Salus coat 129 Some of the items weren't marked at this price but when scanned The turkey fryer bandit strikes again. This was at the fisher Hallman and Ottawa in Kitchener. They have a large bob , and a m Salus on the rack as well as a bunch of the coats. I
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