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Everything posted by Freshtrax

  1. I would hazard a guess that the excess oil may be sucking through the PCV and is messing up one of the emission sensors. Is oil pressure within spec? Why is is loosing a L of oil in between oil changes.? That's concerning.
  2. I was at a hunt camp once and they had these all text magazines about fishing and hunting. , I read them like novels, I was there for a week I can't ember the name but your writings would have fit right in. All the best in your endeavours I'm sure it will be a success. Anyone know the publication I'm talking about?
  3. Nice going this year. I haven't fished bass much the last two years. Your post has inspired me to haul the boat down to longpoint for opener next year.
  4. My at's got a snowflake on em. I'm ready.
  5. Friendly reminder to pull the block drains from your inboards.... I was going to winterized the big boat this weekend but just ran out and pulled the plugs just in case.

  6. Point it south west. Does the cable have any writing on it?
  7. We had a crazy northern lights show in bracebridge few weeks back... We took the boat out to the middle of the lake and sat there for a few hours. In 30 years on this planet I've never seen a crazier one... I started after a storm at 2 am.
  8. Had to cut one out of my dads hand last weekend or it would have ended the trip a few days early. Not pleasant.
  9. Can we quit with atlantics and stock those please?
  10. Just landed a pair of tickets for Thursday's game at face value pretty stoked I should be able to see a game or two in each series.
  11. Was my first year salmon trolling....I was out of Hamilton . By my best count. 9 lakers, 15 rainbows m 23 salmon. 0 Atlantics....on a positive note about 100 shakers.
  12. Bought my first two musky baits today....what have I done.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. farsider


      And so it begins...



      lol dont catch one or it will be even worse. Trust me after this past weekend im reconsidering my whole life.

    4. Fisherpete







  13. Big boats put away after her maiden season. Time to get the tinner out for some of my favourite days of the year.

  14. I'd take you up but I will be on the Lower French with my dad.
  15. Sure looks like some of the pics I've seen of auroras.
  16. Same here. My 2010 super crew Ford. Is supposed to get 9 l/100 hahahah lucky if I can get 13 on the highway doing 110kph
  17. I usually use a high quality swivel and a rod length floro leader and tie direct to spinner. Only use mepps and blue fox spinners. Never an issue with line twist.
  18. Brakes on the truck , surgery for the mutt...expensive week.

  19. Beauty trout.... I've always done well on inland trout with loooooooooong flatlines. And a red and white mepps tipped with a worm and troll the shoreline in 10-20. Never fails.
  20. fish the bows all winter once the Lougan's leave. Way more fun than zombie half dead salmon.
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