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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. i used to eat barbituates like they were candy to re-adjust ...then i finally found it easier to stay on nights for two years straight....summer time was always a pleasure to be on nights...avoided the heat but winter really sucked living by artificial light.....I havent worked shift in 15 years and im still trying to recover from it...Good Luck and congrates Gerrit...stability in life comes with a price...
  2. Interesting read if your into Ontario Marine History http://torontoist.com/2012/12/urban-legends-frederick-knapps-roller-boat/#more-224122
  3. Im not sure if this will work or not but here is something similiar....but completely different
  4. Dennys Dam is in need of repair and maintenance...contractors were hired to perform the tasks and the natives put a stop on the project because they werent notified...a detailed description and prints were to be sent to them for "review" at a cost of 20 thousand per day....when asked how long the "review" would take to perform the reply up to three or four months....so the Dam sits with no structural repairs or improvements....We can learn alot from the natives by standing up to OUR government instead of being led around like sheep and accepting the Cow Paddys they dish out for us to eat
  5. Roy and Paul....stay away from my window...stay away ...from my backdoor too...lol...
  6. they wont sell the land...Im thinking they will "lease" it like they do the Sauble Land....
  7. you will still be able to access the lakes im sure...youll just have to pay an admission fee or boat launch fee...
  8. this is what happens when you pay native kids to go to school...they get educated and grow up
  9. theres something fishy about your talent
  10. Liberals always stand behind their wrong headed and short sited decisions...i hope he doesnt hold his breath waiting for a response...it could be detrimental to his well being
  11. IT was very cold and windy looking out over Huron at 3ish this morning ...seems the good meteor displays were when the camera was pointing in the wrong direction or processing a shot...oh well ...i did manage to capture one in about the hour i was out there... It was really really windy and i didnt have anything heavy to stabilize the tri pod...next time
  12. Take the fenders off and put on two doughnut tires...is this just for storage in the off season?
  13. We actually have two of them...one upstairs and one downstairs...personally i think they are great...with 4 animals in our house... dog and cat hair is a thing of the past...we run them daily and forget about them until they tell us they need to be plugged in...mind your battery to the machine though...run it dead and charge it full everytime
  14. i have had boats for the past 20 + years of different sizes...cant really remember life before a boat....is it "worth" it? IF you live in Ontario it is...but not so much if your living in the Sahara Dessert..
  15. Excellent video....camera is just as much fun as the fishing rod...Nice captures and production.... The music though...sent me into a transcendental meditation and i found myself yearning for a bong...but then realized...i wouldn't know what to do with a bong.. if i had one... Nice shootin!
  16. good stuff man...D50 is a solid camera...what make of lens did you buy and if you want to increase your telephoto power...the new Nikon teleconverters are pretty impressive..
  17. surefire way is to get thrown in the clink for a month...it will be out of your system by then
  18. Great sense of humour...lol...nice find I actually laughed when he said he had a rash from the pee drying in his waders
  19. Excellent recap Cappy....IF you have to go through another heart surgery make it clear to the Docs that they are interrupting your fishing time On a side note...its been a pleasure being on your team... for my first year of participating in the Tournament ...you set the bar pretty high for any future Captains i may have...Thanks Chris
  20. I would think as soon as Santa gets the internet on the North Pole... Canada Post can shut down all together
  21. Plane for sale...some assembly required... the wings might make for pretty awesome GROUP wake board ....seriously ..they stole a plane...do you honestly think they are going to heed the good advice of not trying to fly it?...
  22. If you would "really like to fish it" then i would suggest go for it and enjoy...the ground has been saturated from the melting snow but im confident the water clarity will still be fishable...i would be more concerned with the levels of water...but i havent been down there in awhile so i cant get you current on that... Good Luck Regardless
  23. awesome applies to this smoker and even more so because it was built as a family project...
  24. im actually building one right now....just came in for supper...using an old oxygen tank as a chamber and ill probably use an old propane tank for a fire box....its still in the early stages of the process...
  25. Twocoda


    Awesome ...I just did the same thing a few weeks ago with an old abandoned bridge...didnt come out as nice as yours....maybe ill give it a do over...my colours were brownish rusty steel i had to work with...have you seen the new walk over bridge in Calgary...wicked architecture http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace_Bridge_(Calgary)
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