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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. nice shooting Chris....i went down the other day to grab a fish and slipped and ended up in the river....lol....where is the camera guy when ya really need him
  2. you are correct Sinclair....I am ....my remark was sarcasm because its the only natural defense to stupidity...lol...
  3. Talented....and very cool....Happy B Day
  4. why not charge rescued survivors with attempted suicide instead....and then they will have to prove their sanity in a court of law....losing that court battle will have adverse effects on their life moving forward...and if they win that battle....i could pretty much gaurantee....they will think a little more logically the next time they venture out on the ice....
  5. Ice fishing safety course.....100 bucks will get you a license that says you know better...when in doubt...dont go out unless you have ice fishing insurance
  6. I think everyone here is missing the point ....We pay for firefighters and cops through our tax dollars....whether they are sitting on their asses or being dropped from a helicopter to save a person stuck on the side of a cliff..... my point is..... Cops and Firemen are paid well to do what they are supposed to do.....if they dont like it because of a degree of safety....Quit....The general public isnt going to change from its percentage of stupidity....for everyone that manages to win the Darwin award....there is another born to succeed him....If they dont want to be subjected to high occupational hazzards...get a different job If im going ice fishing .....I know...they have already been paid to save my ass if something go wrong.... For the record.....I dont ice fish.....but i do LOTS of other stuff.....so for all the people that have never used the services for rescue...shouldnt they get a tax break????
  7. When someone goes through the ice ...do you think the fish brag they got another one?
  8. Terry Fox didnt really "RUN" In his Marathon of "HOPE"......Shame on him! eh?.....Dam him for brining awareness to a cause...for the greater good
  9. oooooohhhhhhh yeah!!!!!! first place is whats in store for us this year!!!!!....Save the big guys for next week Simon....Nice shootin!
  10. i figured it out!!!!!....the blue car only has three wheels....DOH....how could i have missed that ...
  11. fishing in the hole he just peed in?
  12. doesnt have a float suit on and he keeps passing wind?
  13. his socks dont match...and his feet are on the wrong boots....backasswards
  14. There are alot more hearts beating in sync than you can imagine Wayne....Jen is going to serve up another Victory
  15. I was wondering what ever happened to the Bare Naked Ladies guitarist....seems he went off grid to clean up his act
  16. Nice shot!!!! this would make a cool mural above the bed
  17. Only comparable to the sun burning into the horizon as it falls....nice shot B....Did you manage to catch a feed?
  18. you ice fishing guys are a special breed i tell ya ....great report though!....you wouldnt catch me ALIVE out there
  19. For anyone wanting the opportunity to capture images of Bald Eagles ....Bae Du Dore just north of the Bruce Nuclear plant is great spot to see them....there are about 30 birds that will be living there for the duration of the winter as they can fish from the warm outflow of the Nuke Plant...at the boat launch just off to the left is an elevated Bird Watching Platform....Dress Warm because of the west winds comming off the lake and bring a large lens and youll grab some amazing shots ....If you dont have a large lens you can put in the foot work and get some shots....kinda like fishing where you just might get lucky and capture a prize.. Cheers! edit to add...nice shots 4x4....thanks for sharing
  20. nah im actually surprised at your inability to of seeing the content or maybe your not hearing it .....try watching it again with the sound turned on
  21. I think all Canadians should watch this video....they might be surprised at what they learn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pu6wl98m8zI&feature=share
  22. i needed that ...lmao
  23. Welcome back dude....colourful fish for a colourful character....nice shooting
  24. Nice crisp video...and editing...good job! fish aint half bad either...
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