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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. My sincerest condolences Paul...She served you well by making you who you are...Im sure you'll serve her well and instill her memory to those that precede May She Rest In Peace
  2. Faster than a speeding ice cream truck Stonger then any toy packaging and able to leap every puddle on the road Great costume Jack (pssst you know these pictures are going to come back and haunt you on your wedding day)
  3. Cold front moving in ...a fisherman is only as good as his excuses...
  4. 10 and 11 foot rods is what we used to use before 17 foot rods became trendy....of course you can use it..the down fall is fishing in the crowds with a shorter rod...but if you find an area with minimal people standing in the pool they are supposed to be fishing ..youll be good to go...
  5. Cool style Larry 3rd one is amazing!
  6. i agree ...grey leatards match your black out fit better...nice shootin!!
  7. Twocoda

    Fall Colours

    Thanks for sharing Kwikfish...it wont take long to learn...the D7000 is exceptional in low light situations and long exposures...enjoy! Heres a couple from its little brother the D90... Same father different mother
  8. first try didint work neither did the second try so here is the link for those that are interested....i would still like to know how to load a video right into here though...
  9. There were 50 lifted Sunday morning and the basket soaked for 2 and a half hours with only 8 or 9 bows and 4 browns that were sampled and just put up the chute...Sunday after noon then turned into a Dam Cleaning Day which has to be done on a regular schedule while the fish are being lifted....i put together a little video that im uploading now so those of you that have never seen the process can get an idea of what goes on....the video is just dealing with the dozen or so fish...not the cleaning of the Dam... question...what code do you use to put the actual video in the forum as opposed to just a link to it?
  10. if having two left feet means you cant dance then you must be able to bustamoove pretty good Nice shooting !
  11. My better half got addicted to these a couple of months ago...so i made one but she didnt laugh probably cuz i didnt clean up the mess
  12. Two days in a row...tons of volunteers I documented the process this afternoon of the cleaning of the Dam and the new underwater cam (thats the part i hadnt been apart of before)...Gotta love it when two different organizations can work hand in hand together....Great guys on both LHFC and Ontario Steelheaders
  13. Nice!!! Someone is going to be very proud
  14. Now that song is stuck in my head....lol...nice shootin bois....i gotta ask Terry....first hook up and landed??? or first landed....inquiring minds want to know...it isnt very often first hook ups result in success but more of a "lesson learned" Grates!
  15. Congrates on the rescue!...maybe wait a few days to see her personality ...then try for a name...we went through the whole alphabet when naming our Golden (Zoe) but our American Bulldog was high energy and full of gas so he was named after a high performance exhaust system for motorcycles (Paxton)
  16. My wife is wondering why i jumped away from the computer screaming like a lil school girl....i guess she just found out im scared of spiders...
  17. you really didnt have to answer him Garry!!!!! Nice work...dont forget to wear your sunblock
  18. Warning *explicit language * http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=4ege-GWD98w
  19. Thanks Staffman....ill get in touch with him...
  20. wolley buggers/stone flys/ yarn eggs Good Luck and nice feeshes
  21. Stream Runner I Float Reel - foot JW Young Purist II Float Reel - Handles Just throwing this out there to see if anyone has parts kicking around or information where someone can source some Yeah its been one of those weeks but its been a blast breaking things... Cheers
  22. cant find my keys...can ya give me a ride?
  23. rip the other felt off and strap on some cleats....felts are terrible in the snow and winter is comming...
  24. i might add if your "..." and a group of friends walk right into your "working area" you might take an aggressive action towards them to get back to your "..."
  25. very nice...it seems someone has made a commitment to a rod for the rest of his/her life...congrates whoever is going to own this...and grates on the craftmanship... can wait to see how it finishes out
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