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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. its nights like these...children are conceived
  2. Goderich harbour a little over an hour drive from London.....
  3. they are called KILTS...and they come pleated...not ruffled Dutchy sounds like your due for some Steel action...come on up...Ill play host
  4. Lake Huron Fishing Club
  5. thats strange considering the Minonites rifle up and down the roads with horse and carriage
  6. ok 17 seconds left and im feeling a lil heat...lol....Congrates to the Argos...well deserved
  7. lets just say i wont be running out to purchase any of his music....im damaged goods now that i seen that halftime show edit to correct photo
  8. Gordy sounds better than Burton did
  9. Props to Toronto for putting on a good show for the first half..(hanicap is over now)..i can see the headlines tomorrow...." Toronto Blows Lead After First Half " ( smiley dude looking into crystal ball icon inserted here)
  10. most fishermen buy those things and make up fish stories...
  11. Not sweating it ...we have to give toronto their handycap...just to keep the game entertaining...
  12. Am i the only one that wants to see a detailed thread of your production process from start to finish??? Nice work Dave
  13. Here ya go ...this site is very reliable...one of these links should work fine http://www.wiziwig.tv/broadcast.php?matchid=176045&part=sports
  14. Mostly Drennen and Raven depending on water clarity...but since river traffic is getting out of control im contemplating using a beach ball as a float..so there is no excuse for others to cross my line..lol
  15. Very nice fish but i have to admit Larry...i was hoping to see your post production Photo enhancement abilities at play here
  16. Nice shooting....that big guy really dwarfs the others...Bon Appetite
  17. ive got the HMX 10 6 and the first one blew up on me in a matter of a few outings of being brand new...had an over the counter replacement and havent been able to hurt the rod in almost 9 years (i think)... i only use it for chucking hardware chinnies and bows...even the clackin raps @ 15 bucks a pop...so dont be scared to chuck heavier hardware...i run straight 10# test on mine for lures...the rod will tell you when you have to move your feet to chase down a fish...i worry about line....not the rod when fighting a heavy salmon....
  18. I found day 2 of the journey and the CTV News Coverage thus far http://youtu.be/UQq0OphJm3s
  19. Richard will the entire trip be documented with updates??? What a fantastic idea.... They wont let the Stampeders horse into the big show...Now thats a Canadian tradition only Toronto could mess up..
  20. I was going to hit the hay right now but i had to click on this thread....now i feel like hitting the pub and running across the table tops and diving into a mosh pit....(insert flying smiley dude into mosh pit icon) Are you quietly hinting this years hunt was a bust Jacques?
  21. if a tree falls in the city....does anybody hear?
  22. Removal of the poles was issued long ago...but it was written in English...
  23. If an offspring becomes a better fisherperson than the teacher...you can rest assured your life was fulfilled Welcome aboard
  24. doesnt surprise me at all...10 hail marys and ALL will be forgiven...
  25. you can never really appreciate a fine piece of tail unless you examine it thoroughly....437 spots on that one
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