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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. While your at it....call the President of the USA to abolish the second ammendment...OUR ride here in Canada has been free to OUR government to prosper ...Like it or not ....WE are the problem...not the natives....if the treaties were honoured then the indigenous peoples wouldnt be on the brink of assimilation and would be equally as wealthy as our Government when it comes to profit from the resources their/our land yields....Dont forget ...this is their house...we are bad tennents that have been trying to take it from them for hundreds of years...Im not trying to single you out here...but before you make a bold statement of ignorance ...you need to do your homework on the subject so you dont look like a follower of ignorance... we used to have 25 in our hunting party and it was nothing to see 8 to 17 dead deer laying on the ground after the hunt...the fact that these are Wapiti is a bit disturbing but the natives live in harmony with the land so im sure the is a justifiable cull for this area...
  2. why change at this point in life?
  3. Jacques there is solace in submission for the ones that leave us behind knowing ...we will carry their flame....my condolences mon ami to you and your family
  4. Count me in for 2013....I had fun in the 2012...it actually was the defining factor on weather i wanted to fish on certain days...not that i need a push to fish....but its always good to have that little extra hope of contributing to the team...we may have landed in second place ...but we looked better...lol..
  5. Congrats on the new excitements Laz....All the best for the season Cheers!
  6. dont dress up as a fish...because he will never find you..just sayin...
  7. Canadian Christmas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iGWogjHe3Q
  8. Thoughts for you and your Family Rick...Keep living for the living and the rest will fall into place when it happens
  9. the sun was out for a bit up here today ...but there still wasnt any available light for the fish...Mississippi mud comes to mind and probably just as cold....
  10. I didnt realize LSD was so readily available....how much a hit?
  11. Somebody has been spiking your egg nog?
  12. check the weather before you commit ....its nasty up here right now and not forcasted to change...I live on a Huron trib and i wont be out there ....just a heads up
  13. Im sure youll fare out ok when you notify them of their responsibility to replace the perishables in your freezers and the hydro operated alarm system that didnt notify you when you were broken into and had everything stolen yes hydro run has run out of hydro the past few days around here and it comes and goes at the most inconvenient times
  14. The natives are just doing what they were taught by us to do...do you not think our government is two faced??? as i said before...white man could learn alot from the natives...just because OUR government says it so...does Not necessarily make it so....its land...thats all it is...who honestly gives a rats ass who owns it ...if we can still visit and enjoy it...when the day comes that we cant enjoy it...then it will be up to us to start a war if we feel it is that important....They arent moving the park to another country...the park will be under its original management.... In my opinion the natives have become greedy (we taught this to them)....and KARMA is biting paleface back....the natives run Lake Huron now....but i still get to go out on the lake in my boat and catch fish without having to pay them....and co-incidentally my tax dollars paid for the construction of the boat launch but my government wants 10 dollars each time i use it...There are many layers dealing with the native issues....both sides are at fault but i dont think youll want to dig too deep to see who is at more fault...because im afraid youll be looking in the mirrow of your family tree
  15. after doing hours of research on the subject....it is very interesting stuff...the bottom line is ...it isnt the end of the world...it is the end of the fourth cycle of the sun and they expect a sun event of some sort to begin what is refered to as the 5th cycle (also known as the "purification cycle" but the references comparing our calander to theirs is very interesting
  16. The Mayans were all far sighted
  17. What Misfish said ^^^ Dave
  18. i heard the Mayan calendar is about to run out....does anyone know where i can get the latest edition? or are they not making them anymore???
  19. thats funny ...lol... Well since the credit card bills wont come till next month ...im going to MAX them all out on KD and Jello ,,,just incase i survive...lmao...
  20. Yes they are targeting dogs,,,a few weeks ago in Oshawa there were several dogs poisoned in an off leash dog park....Take extra care to what your dog gets into,,,
  21. sorry to hear Jacques Im looking forward to reading the paper on the 22nd to see how many twits bought into this crap and made some bad decisions...lol...
  22. Thats what it's all about!!!! nice shooting
  23. What Mike said ^^^
  24. Refer back to the post where someone was asking about those robot vacuum cleaners,,,we have two of them but only one Golden Retriever...Congrats on the new addition
  25. Ajax Animal Hospital wrote: We are sorry to report that there have been three cases, in the last 24 hours, of dogs who have been treated for getting into raw meat that has been left out around St. James School in Ajax. At this point, we are unsure if the meat has been tampered with or poisoned, the treated dogs are doing well. Please take care in this area!
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