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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. its kinda funny now in retrospect...the river was literally on fire last week ...saturday slowed a bit as the water cleared ....Sunday ( when Laz came up) the water was even clearer...but still pleanty of fish ...i went 0 for two in the bow sector but did land a chrome salmon ( weird year)... Laz ....next ttime ill take you elsewhere sooner if the bite isnt hot right away...was good to meet you ...maybe the water temp was off or something ... would you concur ?
  2. nice buck good for you ... that has got to be the coolest fence i have ever seen behind you though ...
  3. too bad ya cant mount riggers on it somewhere...
  4. as of today i will never use segaur again ....im not a fan of frogs hair either .... for the time being im going to stick with maxima until i find something that will out perform it If your running a spinning gear then why not just spool up straight 6 and be done with it
  5. honestly ...who has ever owned a lure long enough to change the hooks..( spoons aside)....all my body baits are on the bottom of the river... For spoons i switch to Daiichi when the need arises because piece of mind is just that ...piece of mind
  6. get yourself some swivels and tie on a 6 # leader...only in dirty water will i run 8 pound test... everyone else has given you solid advice... if no one is catching then switch up to flat fish or something along that line...dont forget they are predators
  7. ahhhhhhhhhh crap....reminds me to take the snowblower in for a tune up.... nice pics except for the snow and ice
  8. lol...the best way to teach someone is to actually physically show you how to do it correctly....see there is always a price to someone elses knowledge...lol
  9. Good stuff on the purchase Laz....now you WILL hook up with a bow this weekend but ....will you land your first???? not many people do ....the fish this year are very healthy and strong ...you will need all of your new rod to get them onshore.
  10. i am immune to this flu...this very second ....but might not be tomorrow mornin
  11. im cool with two....but i was never cool with 5 ...i used to drive three to four hours to catch them when it was 5 but always brought two home...even though i would catch alot more then 5...yes its cheaper to go to Zehrs and buy them but for me its a great passion/hobby/pass time that every now and again puts some bragging rights on the table to eat...
  12. This makes up for the missed funnies Randy ....lol....good find ....i actually did that on new years day in chestermere lake in alberta...(alcohol motivated)..i lost my voice for a week and my bells never did come back...every canuk should do it once in their life...trust me thats enough ..
  13. methyle hydrate ( wood alcohol ) for a four stroke
  14. heres the one i just picked up !!!!!!! off the internet .... ..
  15. your talking about a couple of species of fish you caught on a fishing board......NEWS FLASH !!!!!!!!! you ARE an addict.... i hope your wife is more understanding then my last two wives....
  16. how can you make your last post at 7:58 PM ...and its only 7 20 pm right now ...? grab some glow sticks to attach to your floats...
  17. sweet fish ...good on ya ...
  18. $2300.00 a shot??? Its a drug and you dont get high ...its a shot and you dont get buzzed....ill stand in line for someone if they want my shot @ that price
  19. for an indicator you could simply use a piece of kerchief (used for tying spawn) seems everyones eyes arent what they used to be Good Luck
  20. nice shooting ....persistence pays off ...and dont worry about the ones that you lost....they aided in this victory to make the moment that much sweeeeeter !!! Good for you ...
  21. if ya need help with your roe....get a couple of oars to help out
  22. It truely pains me to say this but ....the laughs did play a heck of a game last night ...sure they lost ...but they didnt lean back on the blades at all ...and if it wasnt for the fluky banked goal scored against them ...they possibly might have won....the game kept me awake and on the edge of the seat .....thats alot more then i could say for my flames
  23. muddler - nice post for information for the new steelheader- good on ya
  24. man and i thought i had it good for retrieving two drennen floats and a few glo eggs
  25. John Toronto lost again tonight but man ...what a good game !!!!!! whats with the habs strips? anyone know what the heck is going on with that ??? its almost like they hired the weird guy with the queer eye to design those jerseys
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