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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. beauty fish ...congrates !
  2. I always thought they were based on structure of the river bed..( proven spawning grounds) ...which isnt always correct given different variables from year to year...instead of shutting down a mile of river in any given area with several pools in it ...they should shut down ALL of the river during the spawning season except for anything over 4 feet deep regardless of where it is ...this would eliminate the rippers on the beds throughout any river system
  3. i used to tan my own hides in a barrel with turpintine and methyle hydrate ( wood alcohol) then dye patches various colours for tying flies... IT took quite a bit of experimenting to get the dye to take to the fiber but i did manage to do it ...at alot duller spectrum then i wanted...so i gave up on it ....then i would send my hides to Blyth to be tanned for me and my signifigant other at the time ...would use the leather for a canvass of her cross stitching crafts....
  4. she could wear fish net stockings and have the capabilities of master hooker?
  5. or run lead core
  6. Any time Slashhopper...im always fishing somewhere and your more then welcome ...persistence will put chrome on your line ...although the wind was not favorable this outing ...dust off your float reel and practice with it ...once you get onto it ...you will have a whole new appreciation of fighting fish... Nice morning shot at the harbour ...
  7. It was snowing in Sauble today about noonish...i honestly couldnt believe my eyes...i thought it was hail at first until there was no resistance squishing it on the hood of my truck...
  8. hey i have the same pink fishing socks as your daughter ... ( top secret weapon in the arsenal of fishing gear) but i think hers are more masculine then mine ...maybe the sandles create that illusion ... Yup better go shave dude ...lookin like a wolverine wannabe
  9. your guaranteed not to catch any if you dont go .....but yes they should be there ...it is the time of year to fatten up on salmon spawn... Good luck
  10. My puter is almost a year old (obsolete already?)...it has slots for every card in the world EXCEPT Sony...i thought i was stupid for buying a sony camera but i see you are twice as smert as me I did take the pics and they are on my camera...so if it porn ya want ....might i suggest you cmon over and see them on my camera and meet the coffee club ( bring some of the southern shine with ya cuz im sure they will need it to tolerate ya ) or even better ...i hear Marge Simpson is on the cover of Playboy ( she might fullfill your need for porn) http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20091010/od_nm/us_simpson_4 i went down to the river today but with the storm that went through last night ...it is a sespool of mud....went up to another river (tea stained water) but the wind was too hard to get a drift..
  11. lol...are you insinuating that fishermen might tend to bend the truth ... my fishing camera is a sony and they have cards that are small like no other system.. .they come with thier own card adaptor so the card can be read in any generic card reader or laptop.. .(PITA) ....this little adapter was left in the wifes laptop when it went to school with the youngest kid and was to return home last night for thanksgiving weekend ....( he forgot it on his desk in north york but remebered to bring the laptop home) He has been in school since late August but i only realized middle of Sept that the reader was in her laptop ... the little adaptor thing is 120 bucks at our local wallymart and im not prepared to pay that price for a fishing camera that is on its way out of service.. .so my crosshairs are already set on a kid that is absent minded but im sure i can accomadate a double shooting if ya want ..
  12. i went out for an hour ...brought the camera and caught one 10ish pound bow....no card reader for the camera to get the pics on to computer...
  13. do you know who introduced this tune to the public..? it was JD Roberts from much music.....wayyyyyyyyyy back in the day ....do you know where JD Roberts is today ? He is an anchor journalist on CNN.
  14. ahhhhhhhhhhh you dirty rotten bugger ...lmao....it took me twenty years to get that tune outta my head....now im sure it will be with me for the rest of my days ....thanks a freaking lot man .... on the bright side....it is one of the songs i know all the lyrics to....lmao
  15. i was roeless for just under 5 years...but i succumbed to pressure 3 years ago and cant seem to kick it. i use in moderation now meaning i no longer chum as i did in the pinnacle of my roeness abuse...but like all other addicts will probably agree...it isnt my fault ...i blame mother nature for not growing huge arse nightcrawlers on my lawn...
  16. im not sure if this is going to work ( first time with photobucket) but if it does ...ill post somemore cuz i have lots.. kewl ..it worked this is Southampton pier looking out over Huron
  17. global warming my arse...what the hell we go from winter to extended spring to premature fall and back to winter ...is there a bright side to this ??? i didnt get any mosquito bites this year!!!!! TJSA you can keep the white crap up there please...
  18. If your contemplating a snow blower ...im going to assume you get a fair bit of snow ...personally i wouldnt own a snowblower less then 10 HP...we do get alot of snow up here but im sure when you get it ....the snowplow leaves the same amount at the end of your laneway as we get up here...( this is when youll be happy to chew right through with a 10 hp or better Just something for you to consider when selecting a machine..
  19. snow????say it aint so ...nice boat tho...congrates
  20. Ditto to all...we always do the big dinner on Sunday...that way...alot less dudes in the river on Monday....
  21. the last time i seen a pretty bass like that it was on display at Wal-Mart singing ..."take me to the river" ... good on ya bushy
  22. salmon and bow fishing for me ...
  23. i have with minimal sucess...but it was ONLY fresh that worked in my experience i respectfully disagree with this ....the fight of a brookie is in small comparision to a chinook... i keep one hen of salmon a year and it lasts me through the steelie season ...in the spring i keep one steelie hen and it lasts me through the fall ...but my preference definatly lies with salmon roe
  24. clever...just forking clever BB
  25. "Hully Gully" youll find everything you want there ..
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