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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. if condensation is building up on the glass ( inside the house) then youll want to remove the trim and check that the RSO is insulated ...if the condensation is between the panes of glass then time to change the door ...579$ for a 5 footer 639$ for a 6 footer....RONA Joko your idea is a good one ...R7.5 ISO board is 29$ for a 4x8 sheet...if you use tuck tape ( red stuff) to seal it ...pick up a Xylene based cleaner to remove the red film of glue it transfers to your trim/jams when its warm enough to take it apart Good Luck
  2. and my wife thinks i have an addiction for getting three hundred hours on the water ( rivers dont count )
  3. lots of enthusiasm in the post though ...i enjoyed reading it ... hopefully the pics will resolve the other issue... welcome to the board ...
  4. by ornary ...do you mean that redneck down in hog swallar alabamy with the frigid temps of 15 C and veggies growin year round??? Cant member hes name ...think its ABC or sumptin lika dat...
  5. lots more to lose yet Laz....lots more to catch too...0 for 1 for me tonight too...lost it after 5 minutes into the fight ....i officially through with testing leaderline ....going back to scientific angler and staying there...
  6. two years eh ....im only around a year into this site and for some reason i dont get porno pop ups anymore....
  7. give yourself a pat on the back ....one heck of a report!!!!!!!!!
  8. way to go Dutchy!!!!!!!!!! congrates to the both of ya ...ill be expecting fishing lessons from the two of you in the near future....i had a bad stint two weeks ago where i lost 9 straight ...i was still in salmon mode .... ps ...i think i know that shoreline
  9. sit at a computer and operate a mechanical fishing dude so you dont even have to leave the house or go to the supermarket and buy farmed fish suitable for consumption
  10. Thanks Bill i was going to go look at the box ...but i was too lazy.....Just curious ... Spell check for Daiichi Daiquiri Dairying Daisie Daimler
  11. tell ya what ..ill supply the spawn and netting ....could ya rip off a 100 for me too???? man i miss my son !
  12. looks like someone farted and they are running for the door
  13. Ive been using Dieichi for as long as i can remember ...and apparently i still cant spell it
  14. a friend of mine had one of those contraptions in the early 80s ...same idea but the platforms were made of wood...i tried it and made it through three bags in the time i could have tied at least ten by hand....he offered to give it to me for free...i declined as i couldnt see the need for one i wonder if it was because of the broken egg juice soaking into the wood the reason they now make them in stainless....what a reek ! roe bag tying is a chore that you must be able to do without a machine ...i find myself lately tying on the banks of rivers...because i have been experimenting with curing formulas
  15. i wonder how many people will start eating red carp fillets
  16. any tackle shop ....but also try petro canada ...if you know where your going ( post the area) someone might pipe in and tell you if there is a vending machine in the area
  17. ya gota like when a plan comes together... Good on yas
  18. Rick - O - Shey
  19. now if we can just get the kids of today to stop wearing hunting apparel to the mall...
  20. nice shootin Danjang...they definatly count ..lol...good on ya
  21. lol....yeah it long ....its attached to my 15 foot salmon rod ...we have a fresh run just come in and i didnt have any roe ..so i was targeting the salmon and caught the bow..lol... the handle is 28 inches long ....lotsa backbone for turning salmon around out of the current
  22. 1 for 1 tonight Laz...only got out for about an hour and a half
  23. good for you Laz...you landed your first !...now the new rod is christened you know what to expect.. Congrates - no turning back now ...
  24. its a transition that most people get to go through around ten times in their life in this day and age....so im not going to pass on condolences but i will pass on congratulations to your new found freedoms from the previous and embrace the excitement of the future.. Cheers
  25. i wouldnt even know how to use a spook Jacques
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