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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. sweet deal man ...nice bullets and brown !
  2. anything pink or orange with lots of crystal flash ...or glo /nuke eggs are your next best bet... Ill soon be putting the pin down and taking the dust off the flyrod.... welcome to the forum and Good Luck!
  3. lmao...i have two exes that will disagree with this statement ......
  4. beaut x 5...well 4.... nice shootin...couldnt ask for better weather too for this time of year...
  5. i havent seen the set up your refering to but ....( just my thinking ) ...why not a dryer vent tube ? light ...flexible ....and can handle the heat...
  6. yeah but the dog doesnt mind ...when its prepared right ...( i dont think the dog is going to miss it ) ive been searching the regs to find what led me to believe you were obligated to keep the fish ...so far i cant find anything .... heres another one ... ive always believed ....after having your limit of fish ...you are DONE.... because as soon as you connect to the next fish this puts you illegal because the fish is now in your possession... reading the ministry page it says you can continue to fish ....but immediate release....
  7. Thanks Bill ...seems i learn something new everyday...not that its ever been an issue with me ....if i keep the eggs i keep the fish too....(including black scabby salmon hens)...
  8. im pretty sure you are
  9. if you take the roe from a fish ...your obligated to take that fish home with you so it applies towards your limit...
  10. and a pic too ....nice work Laz....do tell ...how was the fight ???
  11. nice job solo....yes they are strong this year and the acrobatics is second to none.....i actually went 9 straight loses before i landed one the last run ....did ya connect any fresh salmon?
  12. 900 bucks depending on your municipality ...you can get a variance to your property and if none of your neighbours contest it ....your good to go ...
  13. thanks for the reminder ...have dog ....gone for walk!!!
  14. no ice this year boys ...sorry i had to cancel it due to the extended indian summer i have in the works right now....
  15. tell ya what ....ill come up...try it all out ....and give you a number that you should charge ...and we will be even for the first trip... Good Luck with the new venture.... on a weekly basis ....300 bi weekely .......500 additional week 150 extra monthly ...........1k flat rate rates are per person when can i come and collect on my free week???
  16. should be compounded fines for fail to appear...regardless if they are locals or tourists....i also wonder how many times they got away with it in the past?? Guess their fishin canada days are over eh!
  17. yep i see your point ...outside looking in .....but a bad idea is better then NO idea...
  18. admiration for the lifestyle...good for you !!! Roy ...lately ive had soda through my nose twice because of the forum...compliments to you for being responsible for the second one ...
  19. interesting for sure...i thought my card was just saying HI everytime i looked at it
  20. ahhhh a fishin buddy ....what a relief eh ...least it wasnt a woman looking for child support or the tax man ( joking)
  21. if their pay structure was a percentage of the gross in fines they incorporated ...you might find them EVERYWHERE....no need to pull more tax paying dollars out of the pockets of the people...inintial investment would be ...trucks...and people willing to enforce..in order to reep the benefits of their own diligence.
  22. no problem Rob ...Good Luck
  23. just tie em on
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