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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. not if your addicted...ya just modify the methods...try it ...it is really cool when your fighting a fish ...." Kickstart my Heart " is another kick ass tune to fight to ...
  2. he looks like the mothership of the H1N1 Virus...lol....but i think the diameter of leader line im looking for is close to the thickness of his arms...
  3. surgical tubing...unless your going to run a slip float ...then just use elastics....
  4. Not many other things in this world more important then whats comming your way ... ...smart choice ...
  5. Alright ....ill give in ...if your up for a drive .. pm me....ill take ya out fishing and put you in front of fish....but ...you have to promise to do a composite drawing of your catches...lmao...splash and dutchy and Laz should make the extra travel time too...
  6. let me guess...your dad is the one with the white beard... ( bet in a snowstorm it would be hard to tell you two apart nice goin Richard
  7. 100 % agree with this statement ....for deeper water... rattlin raps ( original J5 and J 7 ) depending on how deep the water is
  8. wow!!! what did they dress out at??? almost the size of a Red Deer well deserved ...congrates on the success
  9. can ya think of anything more entertaining ...i just hope the water rises high enough to sweep some in the drink ....lol...it makes my day everytime...
  10. good point Rich....does quebec have to take a provincial hunters safety course? ive been hunting almost my whole life...leave the province for a few years ...come back and then i have to take a course?!?!..what the hell...thats like trying to tell Babe Ruth he has to learn to play "T" ball before he can play baseball in yankee stadium...
  11. from the OFC anthem : "we dont always get along...but we keep going strong "
  12. unless im fishing with someone ...i normally cant hear my phone over the ipod music blasting in my ears...lol...you gotta try it ....DR. Feelgood full blast while fighting a fish ....and then ....in the off chance...the fish dances to the tunes ..... ..... i bet theres alot of fisherman that think im antisocial...but the truth be told ....cant hear over the tunes...lol...
  13. lmao....thats why i said in the earlier post if you would concur that the water temp was off....yeah im a smert arse.
  14. Laqz ...do yourself a favour and put the new camera in a plastic bag....just in case you ummmmm are checking the water temp out again ...lol.. looking forward to some of your new reports and adventures... Good Luck
  15. that means thursday friday saturday sunday etc until the water levels drop and clear to what they are now
  16. supposed to rain on thursday....hold on to yer lugnuts ....cuz they will be cruising in overdrive!
  17. yes pat .....its only for the elite of the community that meet the criteria of .... helpful to other posters/ reach the 1000 post mark/ and most importantly ...never ask ANYTHING about the Bronte congrates on the accomplishment of 1k Blaque i already bought my new monitor for the HD effects available through the link ( still have a ways to go though ...but im ready! Pat if you contact TJ himself in a private message telling him you "want to buy a OFC winter hat in plaid colour" (secret code) it will automatically place the link in your message box...enjoy!
  18. if your going to stick to hardware ...try a flat fish with a couple of bbs a foot up from the lure....colour wont matter good luck
  19. nice grouse shot ...step on the wings ...pull on the legs and out pops supper..yummy...even with the pellets in them
  20. my favourite recipe for lakers is to turn up the throttle on the boat 1 mile an hour faster so i wont catch any.. best of luck with the new venture !!!!
  21. i just looked at the treeline in the pic with the laker....kinda like what the treeline looks like now here....are you basing the out of season catch on that ??? cuz i can launch my boat right now....catch a laker ...take a pic when i get to the launch and that wont make it out of season ...correct me if im wrong but these guys stated that they fished all over ...maybe they were in a zone that lakers are open?
  22. Ill drink to that!!!!!! cheers
  23. thanks i needed soda through my nostrils looks like a german submarine ....nice catch ...!!!
  24. i read that too somewhere ...but ill be damed if i can find it .... with a sore shoulder you are better off with a crossbow ...you can use two hands and a foot to load it
  25. thats the one i let go ...so i believe ya ..
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