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bare foot wader

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Everything posted by bare foot wader

  1. this is easily the best fishing forum I've found, both in the layout and functionality of the forum, the quality of the posts/replies and for me especially the classifieds, BC is crazy expensive, i still purchase a good deal of my stuff from home and with shipping it's still cheaper I don't post too much but love reading the posts(esp pics) of ontario fishing...I relocated from ON to BC during the olympics and still read this forum more than any other
  2. i had the exact same thing happen to me, except not a fish.....my cat he doesn't like his travel box for vet visits and the very sight of it will turn him into a devil cat and he possess unnatural strength, it's actually unbelievable...ha he got a claw right on the bottom side of the first knuckle on my thumb, bled a bit but didn't think nothing of it...a week later it hurts like crazy and there's a little bump...i figured the tip of his claw broke off and i tried to squeeze it out but nothing, soaked an exacto blade in alcohol and cut it open, gave it a squeeze, tried digging around with tweezers but there was nothing in there that i could find gave up on it and eventually a few weeks later the pain ended....3 yrs later i still have a little bump, pretty sure i would've noticed flesh eating disease or anything else by now i also have a visible piece of pencil graphite in my palm from a grade 2 fight lol
  3. I noticed right away that there is a lot less blow back on the braid but not like that was ever a huge problem anyways...I pretty much use braid for almost everything now, I love it the main advantage for myself running braid on the riggers is that I only have one dedicated rigger reel, the rest of my reels I use for casting, trolling flat lines and jigging...so it would be nice to simply swap reels from rod to rod when I'm packing the boat, rather than buying a few extra reels has anybody spool braid on the riggers? one more hang up/cut off and it'll be time to respool one of my riggers, thinking i might try 130 lb braid, less blowback on the rigger would be a benefit for sure, any experience with running deeper with a lighter ball?
  4. I recently respooled two downrigger outfits with 40lb braid and i can't the releases to hold?? i'm using scotty releases, the power grips with the neon grips and the stacker releases with the red pads I would occasionally get the occasional release running 30lb maxima pulling a 12" flasher but after spooling with braid the only thing i can pull are spoons...flashers, smaller dodgers and plugs are pull out of the release either on the drop or after a min or two of trolling, 1.5 to 3.5 trolling speed what releases do you guys use with braid? is 40 lb too light? I ended up top shotting the braid with 40 lb mono i had in the boat to finish the day which is fair enough for chasing salmon...but for inland fishing and smaller lakers and rainbows i'd prefer to find a release that works better next time i'm out i'm going to try sliding a piece of tubing over the braid which should hold better, maybe trying looping an elastic and clipping that in the release
  5. I can understand exterior cameras when the cottage is unoccupied by owner or renter, as my family and friends have been victim of cottage break in's more than a few times but the interior cameras is crossing the line on a rental property and at a minimum the renter should be informed of the exterior cameras when occupying the property...if it was my family/friends I'd request the camera's turned off while i was renting or find another rental the legality behind this will be interesting to follow, I would assume the severity of the consequences will be dependent on the nature of the video footage retrieved, hopefully the owner's intentions/actions and whatever evidence/footage is retrieved isn't of a disturbing nature, that would be horrible for the families involved to deal with
  6. If you do any fishing around timber or shallow rocks, etc I'd definitley recommend the hull cover for a little extra protection trolling motor is essential, mine wasn't too fun to paddle around...an anchor and drift sock are easy to fit on board too
  7. rio makes a good wire tippet, the 20 lb is pretty fine and supple, it doesn't impede any lure action...it holds a knot easily as well http://www.rioproducts.com/tippet/specialty/powerflex-wire-bite-tippet/
  8. I've always found them to be effective early season and late season in cold water, they have a tight wiggle, somewhat subtle, really good for negative fish...can fish them slow, burn them, jig them...even remove the trebles, slap on a swivel and a 6/0 siwash and downrig them for salmon
  9. sounds like you're looking for a northern remote lodge, but if not the ottawa river/rideau offers excellent fishing for all of those species
  10. advise the outfitter of your condition well in advance, any outiftter I've been with would gladly make sure they have what you need at camp for a safe accommodation would a deep cycle last a week's worth of sleeping time? I don't have experience with those solar chargers but maybe something that could work to keep your batter charged up for the night
  11. if you're casting or trolling you'd want a crankbait rod, not too stiff of a tip, medium action, M or MH depending on size of lure and fish you're catching....if you're ripping weeds or yo'yo-ing deep water I prefer a fast or xfast mh, stiff tip with help you
  12. oh yeah, I'd love to play with April Vokey's "reels" too CT usually carries martin reels for about 20 bucks, good starter reel...you can find okuma's with decent disc drags for pretty cheap as well
  13. sounds like a ratchet and pawl reel? just remove the pawl, silent retrieve
  14. not sure if he's still around these days, but when they first opened shop the fishing manager was pretty good to deal with, I think his name was Pavo...I snapped an ice fishing rod and was first rejected at the counter without a receipt, walked back to the manager and explained it snapped my first day using it, he told me to pick out a new one and he walked me up to the counter I have issues with their pricing and lack of inventory during peak season more than I do the customer service, but I wouldn't say customer service is why i shop there to start with
  15. excellent fish, excellent pictures and well written....really living the dream RE tying the bucktail, less hair with tighter wraps helps and cement in between layers too....you could also try tying the tail end towards the head, tie in the butts and then fold the tail ends back down and continue wrapping...adds some bulk to the head but helps with durability
  16. make sure you have a net lol
  17. using 2 c-clamps take a 6" piece of 2x4 and clamp it the gunnel of your canoe...you can then mount virtually any rod holder...that's how i mounted scotty's to my canoe...use a piece of plywood on the non 2x4 side of the clamps to help distribute the pressure, avoid damaging the canoe and to prevent the clamps from slipping and yes, i've hooked into musky's this way, so it'll hold up just fine
  18. I tow a 17' lund, 90 horse, with a 4.0L ranger...acceleration and braking are very minorly affected, never felt under powered, not winning any mountain races but climbs with no worries...great for rough ramps/beach launching, rough backroads, etc...i have a 2000 and 09, both 4L 4x, never had a major repair on either, just regular maintenance, easy to work on, beat the snot out of my first ranger and it sucked it all up....respectable mileage(not great, 18ish mpg)and easy with city driving and parking....should be able to find 05-07 for your price cherokees are good vehicles to tow but hogs on the wallet otherwise, friend tows with a liberty and he echo's jedi's reply
  19. if your fly line doesn't have the welded loop don't tie a loop knot in your fly line....nail knot some 30 lb mono to your fly line, leave an 8" tag and then tie the loop knot in the mono
  20. do you plan to target trophy pike, casting big lures and heavy line? or just want to have the backbone in case you incidentally hook into a big one? a MH spinning rod will do just fine with good line and leader. if you want to chuck big lures for the week you should look into a H or XH rod. you have enough time to online order, penn and okuma have affordable saltwater spinning rods that would work well for you
  21. I compared new vs used recently, IMO I found many dealerships very eager to make a sale, especially when you have cash in hand I found plenty of good deals on used boats as well, if you're considering used and you are patient you'll probably do alright craigslist richie brothers auction www.gcsurplus.ca found lots on those websites, I ended up buying from richie brothers
  22. I have an 8' pontoon, handy for those semi-rough accessible lakes but still use a float tube for the harder to hike to lakes...and is a blast when you have a group of buddies to leave a truck down river and start upstream my model has an anchor lock that doubles as a trolling motor mount, no issues with weight with a battery, the battery helps to balance and sit me level. If i'm rowing for the day(no trolling motor or battery) I find my rig leans forward on me, so i added spacers under the front seat bolts so i sit level. If i'm strictly using the trolling motor I'll use a 9" bracket to raise the seat, easier for casting and less glare sitting higher even when you're rowing it's nice to have a set of flippers so you can control the boat when you're drifting lakes and keep your hands free for fishing
  23. albright or improved albright/alberto know to connect braid to leader of roughly equal sizes....sometimes use a jam knot to tie 60+ lb leaders uni knot for tying straight to terminal tackle...with light braid i double the line up....double the line up and tie a trilene knot works fine for me
  24. I've only been to the cabelas in edmonton....nothing but a massive disappointment...everything from clothing, fishing, lure selection, guns and customer service was horrible....the PRICES were insane....the st. croix premier ice rods are usualy 20-25 bucks, 36.99 for a 24' ML lebaron should expand with bigger stores and better customer service...
  25. beauty pike, really impressive to see the extra effort in conservation and catch and release techniques too I'd guess there were some drinks and a bet involved in the bare foot fishing...
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