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bare foot wader

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Everything posted by bare foot wader

  1. to me, making a perfect cast is a great as catching a fish...
  2. there are more total drivers on the road today than ever before...idiot drivers increases proportionately with total drivers perhaps the driving written test wasn't the best example...but i mean look at everything else, you need to pass a knowledge test to drive a vehicle or fly a plane, forklift, etc..but suggesting nothing required to operate a boat is a bit absurd IMO care to argue the turkey course or CORE???....harder testing does work there will always be idiots, so referencing idiots as proof testing doesn't work is a piss poor way to dismiss testing
  3. did that dead horse kick? maybe, maybe not...but let's beat it some more just in case I've encountered enough idiots on the water I'm not at all opposed to it...I think it should be tougher, like a written drivers test, turkey course, CORE/other provincial hunting courses, etc, etc soon enough we'll all forget about the one time boating test that consumed all of 30-45 mins of our life and like 30 bucks I think mine cost online...when we're forced to wear pfd's at all times on the water...and again, I wouldn't be opposed...I have my mustang inflatable...I'll just keep on fishing
  4. there was a great, long thread about this a month or so back...try searching for it, lots of good info there my next one will be sony or panasonic but pretty much all the big manufacturers have a waterproof model, all in about the 200-400 mark, all pretty comparable....pentax and olympus both have good models as well
  5. confirmed he's out of business...we stayed with him for a few years...there was another operation, think more of a sled/adventure operation or somethign like that offered ice fishing on the side...but haven't heard anything about them for a few years as well i think your best bet would to get a hold of a local to take you out, or some research for access points and wing it...not sure when it froze over but probably late nov, so a power auger would be clutch to have
  6. I think they're pretty cool, caught my fair share of them...slightly annoying at times..lol would make a sweet pet
  7. beauty buck, he's hooked for life now!
  8. maybe i've been dragged into many jewelery stores...those are pearl earrings
  9. if you do choose to run braid with fluoro...i've found an albright to be the quickiest and easiest to tie and most shock absorption...honestly never had a break off on my albright a few saltwater knots that have great shock absorption but albright IMO is by far quickest and easiest and stands up great
  10. i already got his balls cut off so figured i'd let him keep his claws...lol....he doesn't really destroy anythign, far less than my childhood dog did anyways
  11. soft claws is about 25 bucks, trim the claws and glue on these rubber caps...first time or two is the roughest, cat will try and bite them off but then just gets used to them and the glue will hold them on for a few months...then just trim and reapply my cat loves birdwatching through the window...ha...but he still does his "night time olympic training"...a wee bit possessed at night but otherwise he's a chilled out cat.....if you splurge on one of those climbing stations that'll direct it's attention a bit...but they're crazy expensive and you could build yoru own....just a handful of toys around teh house will keep it busy the ice fishing rod with a cat toy is kinda fun too
  12. LOL....i'm a big animal person, cats, dogs, snakes, turtles, horses...cats are highly selective of their "masters"...a dog will love anybody that looks at it usually, but a cat's affection is earned...ha I"m personally against declawing a cat and if you've adopted it then pretty sure there's a clause in the adoption agreement that you agree not to declaw it, slowly being considered cruel and unethical these days for claws, google a product called soft claws...the first application will be the toughest and then they get used to having their claws messed around with...effective product that last a few months if it's meowing excessively i'd say it's either bored or in heat(esp a female cat - a male cat would be pissin everywhere)
  13. whew, nice plunge...splurged on a solid first setup...if you can, I'd suggest try and exchange your full sink for a type 3 or 4 sinktip, a bit more versatile for your applications IMO paying for casting lessons/guided trip is a bit pricey but will go a long way and quicken the learning curve...or join a club and get out on as many club trips/clinics as possible extended season until dec 31 on a bunch of tribs and then year round sections as well, get out now before the spring chaos
  14. another critical factor with forcing yourself to wait...especially if you didn't get great placement and hit the vitals, often times you will push an injured animal further and further... if you find an area where the animal rested and then kept going, possible indication that you are pushing him on...let him bed down and pass on....this isn't always the case, sometimes they just run and run....but something to keep in mind great post btw
  15. like to think we could give benefit of the doubt to the hunter but not always true...very poor shot but that does happen sometimes, just the same as gut hooking a fish....if it was a bow hunter may have jumped the string if long yardage...and not uncommon to hit a buck at last light and track the next day...he could've ran a long distance with a shot like that I'm from London area myself, lots of private property and not so nice landowners being so close to a big city...hunter could be trying to secure permission to trespass interesting find tho, if it's not claimed in a day or two at least take the rack, conversation piece in the garage...and that's a hell of a lot of fly tying material right there...or a few bucktail jigs for walleyes...not hard to snip the tail off and dye any colour you want
  16. if you have a proper drift going on the float should be the last thing a steelie sees, not so much in crystal, gin clear water but in most normal visibility conditions IMO a river will naturally have debris floating on the surface and not every tiny thing on the surface will spook the fish, so I don't think a bit of black will scare many fish...I stay away from the unstained balsa wood floats, i would be inclined to believe that they might stand out a bit much i've also heard that a clear plastic float on a sunny day can intensify the light passing through it (ie like a magnifying glass effect)...i've scratched up the surface with sandpaper before, can't say i noticed any difference but whatever gives you confidence is always good I personally stick with black ravens, clear/translucent green drennans and thill turbo masters(my absolute fav for quick water)
  17. attention to detail! for me, it's the little things that add up and make a great experience....regardless of how the bite went a client will remember the little things and extra efforts i expect any guide to put me in a few fish...a good guide will have scotch...a great guide will have scotch and chocolate for shore lunch anybody can deep fry fish, so kick it up a notch...a semi-gourmet meal streamside on a cold day will warm spirits beyond belief promo items - send them home with your company shirt or hat, a few hot lures of the day, etc
  18. beauty fish...i've only ever caught sauger ice fishin big ab...none over 14" or so...saw an american fishin show a while back and sauger up to 5lbs, could imagine the jaw strength on one that size
  19. there's plenty of fires that never get attention and therefore no google info....doesn't look like damage from wolves so hot springs would make sense.....either way, don't agree with rangers euthanizing it, think they should've let nature take it's course...grizzly would've followed it for days and taken it down eventually
  20. agreed wilson needs to go, i never thought he was a good fit...but win or lose the leafs will NEVER run out of fans, just how it is....must be all the pollutants in lake O....we're diehard fans no matter what
  21. prostar?...ha...ok props to dawson, way to keep the feet moving
  22. marty - that link isn't working?...would be good to see a fellow OFC'er in action...wanna repost the link for us?
  23. plays like that are best learned at the developmental stage, when you're learning the game....it wasn't even that sneaky, the D failed IMO...ball moved off the scrimage line, its now your job to make contact....should teams share playbooks so there are no surprises??? every coach i ever had prepared us for these plays, part of the game...
  24. LOL...props to the kid who recognized for sure...QB is lucky IMO nobody destroyed him, takes guts to walk through the line like that, i was told to hit whenever in doubt rather than down 6....our rival high school had a history of sneaky plays with our head coach cheeky plays maybe aren't the most noble way to put points on teh board, but if the D can't recognize then so be it, teach em the hard way last college came i attended duke got scored on 3 times with the same play...O lined up with 10 guys, WR is 11th player and sneaks on late and nobody picks him up...at least duke has basketball goin for them
  25. good thread, a few interesting points as I'm in a similar position I just bought a 2000 ranger with 201k on it....plugs and wires, filters and fluids, IAC, and epoxy liner....next will be shocks, rubbers, pads and rotors it's a sweet little truck 4x4, 4.0, supercab, just wish it was stick...my first truck and I got a great deal on it so I considered a few mods like you are but in the end I came to the same conclusion everybody here is saying...keep it driving well and get purchase price worth out of it....save your cash for your next ride, maybe younger and worth the investment....or jsut buy fishing gear! good luck with your truck
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