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bare foot wader

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Everything posted by bare foot wader

  1. after the inital 5 yr period...when you re-enter the graduated licencing program, there is no waiting period between tests the 5yr rule has been around for a while...I don't doubt you achieved your licence on those dates...I just think you got your info wrong and yes, his son should call and find out directly he needs to do
  2. what?... this is straight from the website: "You have up to five years to finish the whole process. After five years, if you do not get your full G licence, you will need to start over." http://www.ontario.ca/driving-and-roads/get-g-drivers-licence-new-drivers
  3. i think each test was 125 or 100, prices may have changed, been a few years
  4. it may work in his favour, and being employed where he needs a valid licence may help as well...it all depends on who you encounter at the office and approves the extension if no luck, it's not the end of the world, i got my full G a week after the initial 5 years expired....I was as polite as I could be, said i would wait all day for a cancelled road test, just graduated, good job, needed a licence just hope for the best and not much else he can do
  5. they don't hand out extensions just because...I had to provide proof of my exam scheduling, signed by the college if he obtains his g2 this month, that is 7 months....perhaps he could say he is required to have a licence for his job and hope for the best, make sure he has no tickets for anything either when he asks for an extension
  6. you have 5 years to complete the graduated licencing program...if you don't have a G after 5 years, he will start over you have to have your G2 for 1 year before you can take the G2 road test and pass to a full G licence after the 5 years expires, and you re-enter the program but there is no wait times...I failed my G2 test and had a conflict with my college exams, they granted an extension and I failed again I had to restart....(same instructor - don't even get me started on the bias towards males 18-25...) the great thing is there is no wait times, I was there at the door when they opened, wrote the G1 paper test and said I'd wait all day for a cancelled driving test...I think I found the only government employee with any sense of reasonability...she really helped me get 2 road tests in one day...there at 8am and gone at 3pm with a full G licence it's all a money grab, tell your son to wait until it expires and re-enter...it'll be cheaper that way, unless he has a valid reason and they grant an extension http://www.ontario.ca/driving-and-roads/get-g-drivers-licence-new-drivers
  7. having the tail in hand, and knowing for sure it's a square tail...that would make me think not channel cat...but never know for certain, a classic "tall fish tale" ha I believe counting the rays on the anal fin would help determine species, but again, not possible with those pics the larger bullheads down south, 4-5lbs, do look like that I'm sure it'll be good conversation at the cottage for years to come
  8. elbow grease as mentioned are you using pliers or a jig?
  9. cool restoration, always enjoy seeing this type of stuff...don't forget to post final pics
  10. no safety inspections in BC...we just moved west and that was his first truck out, bought an 82 silverado off craigslist....it was pretty surprising to learn there is no safety inspection, only required for out of province vehicles, makes sense eh
  11. Depends on what you consider a regular interval fluids, lugs, psi...I check religiously, every week a friend called me and said his wheel just started wobbling, told him to stay where he was and I'd be on my way....he had 1 lug left when i got there! and it looked the previous owner had painted the rim knowing/not noticing 3 lugs were already missing....since he bought the truck he had been driving around with only 2 lug nuts for about 9 months..contractor truck, heavy loads, on the highway..sketchy picked up new studs and went to remove the last remaining nut, it sheared off like butter..he was very lucky it didn't give out on the highway...pads weren't looking much better
  12. I asked around about this myself recently, and my boat is stored outside...i was told to bring them in the garage and sit them on some 2x4's to get them off the ground and keep a trickle charger connected
  13. all of the big 3 flip overs are comparable in weight...clam, frabill, otter...although I think the frabill thermal is about 30 lbs heavier than the otter, both the 2-3 man size, not sure if that means more insulation or not I think the otter is the best one out there right now...the only thing i like about the frabill is the rear door...I can see that being very handy...mainly for the dog to come and go as he pleases without tripping over my lines, flasher and heater lol if you're going to pull by hand runners and regular waxing is a must...using a longer tow rope helps too...I use a 20' recovery strap to tow and a 6' strap to go around my waist/shoulder, hand pull...works perfect, easy to pull and
  14. the skinny ones are labelled earthworms and the larger ones are labelled nightcrawlers http://www.berkley-fishing.com/products/soft-bait/gulp
  15. the gulp worms in the jar are always in my steelead pack, you can get 2 different sizes, skinny guys and the fatter ones...I use these equally as much as I use roe, esp the natural colour in gin clear water best there is IMO
  16. Sloan is a great band...I went to college in Ptbo, bumped into them on the street corner downtown and I said hello, wished I had tickets, sold out venue at the trash, I had 4 tickets in my hand just like that...down to earth guys also seen them at guelph university, with joel plaskett emergency..they always put up a good show sounds like another great time
  17. building a spreadsheet??? must be an accountant or analyst lol nice to know I'm not the only one who uses excel in his personal life
  18. what's the intended trophy species? I read your sutton trip recently, another brookie destination is fortress lake, bc....more of a camp than a lodge, you can also boat and camp around the lake instead
  19. panasonic lumix for waterproof/outdoor camera canon g12 for regular use
  20. I found some good deals at cabelas.ca recently...did a big order on snow camo/bunch of other small things and shipping was only 23 bucks and arrived in 5 business days...hope this ain't considered spam, just thought I'd share, very good deal on a calcutta, if only they were lefties for me http://www.cabelas.ca/index.cfm?pageID=69&&SrchSection=1188&ID=5113
  21. nothing in or around London...shipping to aikmans would probably be your best option
  22. hmm, CO's can't catch a break...there's never enough of them and when they do their job it's still not good enough everybody complains about the roe slaughter-fests and the MNR is following up on a tip on illegal selling of roe...how is that a waste of time? or bigger fish to fry? it's a perfect example of the tips line working hats off to bigredfisher for reporting it and hats off to the MNR for looking into it most people harvest fish and roe for personal use or friends, but when you're advertising it online that's different...somebody selling roe online and giving the guy the leeway of assuming the fish was harvested legally...come on...
  23. also, as this issue came up at my fish and game club a while back...I thought it was still legal to sell, provided the proper paperwork was in place...selling with out proper permits/authorizations is what merits the fine
  24. there is a permit you need apply for, basically fill out a form and pay a small fee...permit to possess/authorization form or something like that, every province has a similar procedure I believe
  25. I also really enjoyed lines on the water: a fishermans life on the miramichi - david adam richards
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