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Terry last won the day on March 4

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About Terry

  • Birthday 11/04/1974

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Imperial Angler

Imperial Angler (10/10)



  1. Your pics are amazing I'm an adirondack fisherman trout salmon walleye lake trout are my main targets but anything I go for. I've been cancer free over a month gangrene free 3 months I lost three toes but that's life I've been cooped up my friends even my girl don't fish like me I never tried eastern or southern lake ontario tributaries for spring steelhead I studied got the gear learned the egg loop knot got the line everything water level clarity timing bait color to match everything is important of course I have two kayaks and I have a month until I'm allowed back to work I'm healed so I'm looking to fish and meet a friend who enjoys the same thing I enjoy nature the elements the challenge and reward. I'm Ryan I work at ellis hospital and I have a bulldog sarge. My email is [email protected] I would love to go fish and life is short I was 50/50 life or death i prepared and now it's weird I still at times forget I'm not dying. Making a new fishing friend in my opinion why not that would be great thanks for reading sir please send an email when you have time have a good day.


  2. Just about lol
  3. Yup won 3 times in my life, so far just waiting for the next one
  4. So did they go through a pressure crack or a hole where they moved a rental hut or the mouth of the Trent which is always one of the first places to open up because of the flowing water when it warms up and rains hard
  5. Well Im free during that time and I do have the top fishfinder there is , so I meet two of the qualifications
  6. Oh yeah we stopped and fishing for a few hours didn’t get anything but still enjoy getting out ordered a 2 inch lift kit and now looking for 30 “ tires to replace the 26” tires and that should get me out of deep slush.
  7. Not so lucky today. My sxs got stuck more then once and drove a long distance pushing through slush at a very slow seed. It’s done till we get more really cold weather just too old for this Sssluch
  8. It was slow going today with the side by sides on simcoe and when they broke through the frozen slush But we didn’t get stuck today so I will be back out again tomorrow
  9. The tariffs trump Imposed is on products we send to the USA , the importer in the USA pays the tariffs to the USA government who will either pay and pass the cost on to the consumers or more likely will buy locally or from a country without tariffs we will pay tariffs on stuff we import because Canada is going to have dollar for dollar tariffs back with Canadians will pay to the Canadian government from the importer who will charge the 25% to consumers in canada
  10. Yeah it looks like a 20lb head and a short 13lb body still nice fish
  11. A big feed of smelts is always great
  12. I could not get parts for my 2003 9.9 evinirude, so I could not have it charge my battery so I bought the lesser stator so it would run and I sold it
  13. They separate Georgian bay from the Great Lakes for some reason that I will never understand, but there is talk about allowing 2 lines while trolling, so fingers crossed
  14. The Great Lakes
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