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Everything posted by ctdd2006

  1. Absolutely awesome stuff! Live it! Cheers.
  2. why answer a question with a question?
  3. ...on a side note, I've need had success on the chain of lakes Waterfalls sits on. Lots of camps and pressure, but there's a bit of a rock face across from the lodge where I've caught a few eyes from and there are a lot of hammer handle pike to be had around. Haven't been in ten plus years though! FISH TV made it look good....but I think they spent a lot of time on back lakes with ATVs. Regardless, I'm sure you'll have a blast but I'd concentrate on the Spanish River and North Channel over the Tube/Kecil/Mud/Maryanne chain of lakes...but that's just me.
  4. I'm thinking this year will be a good year. Last year was great. Some of the more productive areas are open (FMZ 14) and I'll be there this weekend....PM when things get closer and I'll point you into a few directions. YOu have to be careful...as these waters sit in two zones with two sets of rules! Can get tricky!
  5. tomorrow....no?
  6. ...gonna tuff it out and camp out tomorrow night and try one of my fave speck haunts supper time tomorrow and brekkie time sunday. I hear you Sal...not looking good but my sked's been so full I have to at least try as it's the only 24hr window I have. My bud has a small camper in place already nearby, steaks over the fire and cold beer...can't be all bad! Plus no cell service there!!!! BONUS!!!!I think you know the area I'll be trying to tame...
  7. No fish in that crazy lake! J/k have a ball! I was actually there Superbowl weekend....
  8. OV...premium lager! Sez so on the label! lol All I drink! Cheers.
  9. waterfalls lodge in spanish ontario?
  10. I only bought one Wayne and my card is the same as before. I guess next year is when I have to double down????
  11. Elliot Lake is Feb 25
  12. I went to my bait shop and renewed on Jan 4 and got my card yesterday! I was surprised. The card is the exact same...silly beaten to death question...but do I still need to carry that big yellow stampy sticker thing too??
  13. dang XLT triple! I've felt your pain twice! Weeds are growing out of it now!
  14. I totally agree on dropping back down quick after a miss...almost all my best specks came dropping the half dead minnow back down or a fresh one down quick if I was stripped. I always try to chase a ringing bell on a set line with minnow bucket in hand...just in case! ps. I love the chartreuse colored hooks like your pink ones....never tried or even seen pink though!?
  15. I went fishing yesterday for the first time EVER without a valid license. Wasn't proud about it...but I wasn't staying home either. Lesson learned though...my renewal notice was mailed to me two months ago! When I was trying to renew online the system kept crashing and giving me "error" messages.....I printed them off and carried my last card with my last three stickers on it as an effort to show I always buy a license and will again!!!???? I'd like to think most CO's are fair. We had the same problem here two years ago when nobody had stickers to sell till mid jan. and I don't remember anyone getting slapped
  16. ....ask around. Our local tow truck operator does it for fifty cash. Well worth it in my eyes. Great build!
  17. I don't think we'll be out for trout opener here in Elliot Lake unless it is a smell speck lake. We're wide open and have yet to see an inch of snow.
  18. ...you just 360'd me! Very well thought out and written.
  19. I had a lot of success there mid to late september this year. Lots of walleye, pike and jumbos. Stayed at Moosehorn though. Not a bad lake....for us....that week. Nothing huge but a couple mid 20's.
  20. Is that going to be a "Vermillion" castle? Looking really good!
  21. Wood on a permanent for sure!
  22. pm me closer to the date....I'm usually floating about there that time of year as well! Good call on the upgraded boat....can get rough out there at times. 1100 hundred aint bad at all for the boats and your meals too! Sounds like a hassle free week to me. Enjoy. The resort looks really nice, but considering I'm local to the area I've never been there overnight. ps. you're only a mile or so from a liquor store too!
  23. Great report and some "Good Looking" specks!
  24. How's your truck coming?....or did you spend all your dough on fishing gear? j/k. sweet stuff....you're living my dream.
  25. That isn't a corporate store in Lindsay. Have you talked to them?
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