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Everything posted by ctdd2006

  1. Great report. I'm heading to Chapleau Sunday for a week of fishing and birding. Can't wait!
  2. what bike is that? I've been on the hunt for one for a while now but have been nervous that they are all a little too tall for my 5y/o.? He's been on the electric one since he's been less than two...not worried about him handling...just reaching...???
  3. "i unfortunatley do have a boat but im not able to get it down there becuase the cars that have the hitches will be taken that day Posted Image" If you have a boat....likely cheaper just to rent a tow vehicle.
  4. We yelled that to Kaberle for years and he didn't listen! I hear ya though!
  5. ....kinda sounds like having your cake and eating it too!? I'm no charter operator, but a business owner and I'm guessing what you are asking for/looking for/hoping for is likely unreasonable to most charter operators. I'm sure most will do what they can....but book a trip somewhere...they have insurance for "trip cancellation" but that still costs you and the headaches can be tough I'm sure. Good luck with your search. I hope it works out. I too have a 5y/o and know what it is like to want to show him the moon. Cheers.
  6. pretty much everywhere lately....suprised they've been so high still. They'll be sinking deeper though soon with these hotttt days! Good luck! Let me know how you're making out. Esten skunked me on the trout a couple weeks ago...but I only rigged for about an hour...they too were high...about 25ft.
  7. 35-40ft Bob. good luck
  8. Good to hear Wayne! Awesome stuff! Cheers to the whole family!
  9. couldn't find 60's the last two days. Saw 5 degree change from morn to night. she's getting hot out!
  10. probly into the 70's now for sure. skitters are bad from 9-11pm but you should already be in bed getting ready for the morning bite! lol. have a great vacation
  11. ...been away from the board a couple days but I've been hoping I got to read such a positive thread when I returned!!! Awesome stuff Wayne. Awesome! Way to go Jen! Cheers!
  12. wish I had a cottage....
  13. hundred bucks. Like a snowmachine. did it. My ignition got worn....and would just spin due to the back nut...hundred bux fixed it.
  14. .....shoot! I bought the wrong one...Or did I??
  15. I love that last picture of the sunset and the smaller boat in the background!
  16. good stuff
  17. A terrible mistake....and apparently a lucky outcome.
  18. ...how deep on flack? I fished the spanish today and surface temps are still 60 degrees!? I'm guessing flat lining on light gear is still an option?...or should I mount the riggers?
  19. Rod's a great host! Glad you guys had a good trip. What cabin were you in? Which way did you travel for the speck? Boland Road? Camp Eight? Portelance?
  20. Flack Lake is about numbers usually and the quality of the table fare...rarely any size, but the big ones are there...but they've eluded me for 20 years. The lodge is great though! Next time your in the area shoot me a message...I'll show you around a bit if you want. I've got a few stashed boats on a few great little speck lakes.
  21. How much?
  22. lol. It ain't that bad...just looking to help make my stays on the water with a 5y/o red head a little longer, confortable and enjoyable. I doubt a gazebo can give me that!
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