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Everything posted by ctdd2006

  1. ...buddy of mine drove to quebec to buy a can am atv...memory is he paid full quebec tax...paid tax again in ontario and then got the quebec "pst" of the "hst" back when he filed his taxes??? Something like that anyway...there was double taxation and he got some back. Good luck. Ps...he regrets his decision as the Ontario CanAm dealers haven't been so good with his numerous warranty issues.... ..he too went there ONLY because the bike he wanted was NOT available in Ontario unless he waited 8 weeks
  2. ....let's hope someone actually born in Chapleau and a member on the board wins! Great contest.
  3. look up Brennan Harbour Resort or Blue Heron Resort. Spanish River. Sorta my home waters....but I don't have any affiliation or even know either outfitter but I do know I often run into happy guests out there
  4. I live in FMZ ten and have been fishing in it over thirty years and I've never caught a LMB in the waters I fish. SMB are everywhere and I doubt this will have much of an impact on the fishery.
  5. not to sound like a broken record...nor am I accepting to the current leadership and nor am I a liberal voter...are we to expect more with different leadership??? The middle class get screwed no matter. I've always felt the liberals catered to the middle class..the left leaning parties the lower and the right the upper and business !? I'm a 36 y/o business owner that often wonders what's better. Who's better? I'm beginning to believe all the same....sorry. My rant. I'm done. Is there a gov't that will ever please all?? Nope. ...and also to answer your question...no they do not!
  6. Catch anything?? lol. Sorry. I kinda understand both sides. Me and a bunch of buddies just had this same debate over the weekend. We are all avid ice fishermen and only two outta seven were willing to venture out and we are almost four hours north of Barrie. To each their own. Everyone's comfort level is different but I don't think the FF was being misleading. They were being overcautious maybe. They said to stay off all lakes. I'm guessing at least 7/10 bodies of water around Barrie are unsafe like here...and 7/10 people watching that news story don't know better.
  7. BINGO!!!! My seven year old doesn't watch CP 24 or read the STAR.
  8. I say blower on the husky tractor. They really work well. PM me.
  9. Sears has a great deal this weekend on a Samsung F/L set. Steam dryer. 1399.99 for the pair. Great feedback.
  10. Mississagi First Nation near Blind River also on the Mississagi River requires one. I've been told fishing from shore or if you launch from their launch. If you come up river in your boat you are okay.
  11. As a proud Elliot Laker, this senseless tragedy will never be forgotten,nor will the victims. I'm not so sure though Chris that nobody will be held accountable. The inquiry that is being held is opening up A LOT of eyes around town. The engineer that stamped the building safe a mere weeks prior to the collapse was charged and the lawyers are circling! There may not be many held accountable criminally, but I suspect some will feel it in the wallet....city included. Unfortunately, that means we too as innocent and misled citizens will also be held accountable. Very Sad. We will survive and hopefully be stronger for it! Thanks for mentioning it Capt. I think. (didn't get to read the pre-edited post) Kevin
  12. ...hoped someone would tackle that! Well said
  13. Great ice season! You kicked ass! Now go kick ass! Don't know you...but surely rooting for you! All the best...from our home to yours. BE tough!
  14. Just got one for xmas. Can one buy or does one need an ice ducer? I want to primarily use on ice. Thanks. Ps. If so any suggestions as which one and where to buy?
  15. Inspiring stuff Wayne. Kick its ass! Merry christmas.
  16. Really? Fished that big pond this fall and said never again.....
  17. It's called Lucky's Snack Bar. Have a great trip!
  18. ...was waiting for that report. Glad you had a nice trip. Fish the river at all?
  19. Thanks. Sounds like what we are looking for then. Any advice on the outpost lakes?
  20. About to pull the trigger on a much needed last minute 4 day mini vacation there. Anyone ever been?
  21. Timmins bound! Long overdue holidays!

  22. Look up Laurentian Lodge in Elliot Lake. 6 hours from the city. Great Lake trout fishing and lots of brook trout rivers around. Gorgeous place and very reasonable.
  23. Very curious how this plays out.
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