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Everything posted by ctdd2006

  1. Any slime???
  2. Don't limit yourself to 1-2 hours cuz the kids are young...you'd be amazed what they can handle and they'll appreciate it later! Maybe a drive to Tobermory and a boat ride to Manitoulin?
  3. gonna be really tight....It was a beauty day today though and...forecast is good and the winds have been up! I'll be pulling for you guys.
  4. The gamble of benching Luongo didn't pay off! Wow! What now? I picked the 'Nucks but am now second guessing that!
  5. I would say yes....as long as it isn't in the special "exceptions area" of the regs it should be fair game. Zone 16 says fish x is open April 1 - Sept 30 and that river falls in that zone...I say go casting and good luck.
  6. Absolutely awesome stuff!!! Be tough Jen and family...kick some A S S! cHEERS!
  7. I had a Goodman furnace installed three years ago and am super happy and impressed by its efficiency. I know bleep about furnaces and a/c though???
  8. Bring on the soft stuff....PLEASE!

  9. Is it really on your record...or just a fine like a speeding ticket?
  10. drop me a pm....they can have matching buckets! I hate budweiser but have a friend who keeps me supplied as they are actually great toques! Ov OV...just say OV!
  11. Very nice Brownie! Still a couple weeks of ice fishing left here...but I hear the boat purring...can't wait! I love the older boy's hat....I have 20 of them the same I think lol! ...in case you need spares!?
  12. two weeks left here I'm pretty sure....I really hope!?
  13. we still got two feet of ice!?
  14. within in 5 hours?? Wow! I can help with that!
  15. won't do face book....but check your pm's
  16. very nice...my fave time of the year!
  17. just got back from my store.....picked up 5 shad raps and 4 Storm chugs and a couple others for 36bux!!!??? MIster twister tails cheap too! I had to ask the kid in the store to point out the deals though. I'm going back tomorrow hoping they restock the shelves as the discounted lures weren't in a bin but mixed with all the others. Happy hunting.
  18. that song in the background of KVD's song is one of my faves too! Good link Mike! I love the Shinedown version!
  19. Stay strong...we're pulling for you.
  20. ... but they sorta did on our local news this week, but the terms used were "some sort of permanency!" Very vague and quite obvious nobody still knows the true law???? Very grey!. I'll continue to "sip" in my hut and deal with the consequences....doesn't mean I'll ever operate anything impaired! It's all Bull. spell it out once and for all and we'll react accordingly.
  21. Hero!
  22. Amen to that! A wise woman...I too am so lucky! cheers.
  23. I'll second Santa's Village. My boy loves it and there's lots of camping around. Good Luck.
  24. I'd hardly say threw them out...they're all still there and still under the Kenmore banner. PM me. I'll send you a list of sku's and their manufacturers behind them.
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