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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Got to be very careful about propane heaters in your hut. Couple of younger fellas came close to gassing themselves last year with the heat cranked up and the vents closed. The new fabrics are amazingly windproof, and that means no air exchange when you seal yourself in. Luckily for them they only felt kinda nauseous and had a wicked CO hangover for a day.
  2. A piece of paper in your pocket, or a diploma will not make a good tradesman or builder. Building code does not guarantee a good house. They are only minimums. What is missing in all the complaint stories is a lack of quality, sense of ownership/pride, and ethics. I have known very demanding inspectors, and I have known 'pocket men'. I have known many great quality tradesmen. No builder I have worked for likes them. Many are now retired or refuse to do subdivision work. There are also many hacks out there. I left new home construction because I'm not good at talking out both sides of my mouth. I did not like how we were building houses. I did not like the way the builders treated their customers. It violated my ethics. Holmes does provide some good insight into some of the problems of home ownership, but its all about the cameras.
  3. I can't think of a portable field stove that will keep heat for the time you're asking. Small fire boxes and no insular brick to retain heat. At best you get 3 hours before you have to reload. I too also heat solely with wood at home today, and where I grew up. When we hunted we had a small acorn to keep the shelter warm, and we each had our turn at keeping the fire on all night.
  4. At those temps. Forget about your propane heaters on the ice.
  5. My wife did that 12 years back and we wound up, a week later, with two stray mommas and 15 kittens taking over the house.
  6. I did it because the guy who signed my paycheque, the builder, told me to. Not because I wanted to. Like the old saying goes, one is either the horse or the driver. As I said before it was the last housing project I worked on. This was not the way I liked to do business with people.
  7. I saw this many times and was, in part, responsible for similar behaviour. Builders will not tolerate trades badmouthing the paycheque. They pull them off jobs or move them to another job. Then I, as the super, would have to come up with the smokescreen, etc..., to keep the homeowner quiet. You really can't tell the customer that your boss is an . It's just the way business works. I've also let a homeowner stew for 6 months waiting to get his deficiency list work done. We were prompt with his neighbours. Thats what you get when you publicly badmouth the builder's character. You don't get service when you call someone a liar, cheat, scumbag, etc... Unfortunately there are bad eggs on both sides of the fence.
  8. I've had better results with the Gulp maggots, but they still Don't beat live maggots and waxies. A real treat for the fishies are the borer worms I often find in fresh logs I am splitting.
  9. After my last contract as a site super I got out of house construction. We started the first year's construction using prime product and materials, and staying above code minimums. Once we built our feature units the builder went bare bones the next spring and we skimped and cut every where possible. Some changes to code have allowed the use of all sorts of questionable new materials I would never have in my own house. Beyond that the builder decides the grade and quality of materials to be used. No contractor is going to use superior product when a builder will only pay for low grade. It is good to see the shabby stuff being exposed by Holmes, but you won't see him take aim at the builders, just the contractors.
  10. Dawg, I'm sending you a bill for my new screen! Mental note to self. Do not read one of GCD's replies while drinking first coffee of the day.
  11. The big thing about fishing the Grand is the current. You need heavier weights or jigs to get down to the fish. Jen or Steve will set you right on methods.
  12. Easiest thing for saltwater would be the party boats. Pastime Princess runs out of Daytona. Basic charter is $69 a head. http://www.pastimeprincess.com/ Almost every pond or hole holds bass and pannies if you're looking at freshwater. A lot of public stocking down there. 3 day license, freshwater, is $17. Remember Florida and Georgia are big sticklers on their regs, and much of their budgets are covered by fines.
  13. For all those who've been around the block for some time, remember Towers? They had the same shoddy track record for not carrying adequate inventories of advertised items. The government received so many complaints about the practice, and enough pressure, that the law hit them with huge fines for the misrepresentations and bad ad practices. It amounted to a lot of negative PR and millions in fines. Shortly after conviction they folded. Put simply, if you don't like the practice, start hollering at the government, the BBB, and every other consumer watch dog. Stop shopping there, and let them know it. Get the local paper interested in the story.
  14. There's a great sense of pride that comes from knowing your roots and family history. It gives you a greater sense of who you are. That connection with the past also helps to guide us on the paths we should follow in life. Give yourself a great big pat on the back. You done good.
  15. And now for the after shot. Brekkie
  16. Well that looked like one really fine outing you had . Going to have to try that Gulp fish fry on the perch here.
  17. Thanks for sharing. Looks like you had a lovely day.
  18. It was no exaggeration. My Grampa would come home with bushels full. Gram would then spend an entire day cleaning then. Then she would get right steamed when he started sharing the fish with the neighbours after she had done all the work. Nobody had big freezers then. You ate em fresh or you could pickle them. The same thing would happen with the whitefish. To her dying day my Gram would never forgive him for those stunts
  19. Well the small lakes and ponds finally have decent ice in Niagara so we went out perchin. Chauffeur slept in so we missed the morning bite. Then we leave 3 hours later because his gf is cracking the whip ( can you say panty whipped?). Well 3 hours and 3 perch is better than nothing. Better luck, hopefully, tomorrow.
  20. That would be a great day in my books. 30 trout in a day
  21. I saw a huge albino bull when I was a teen, but that was after it had been shot and was hanging. Majestic looking creature in those pics. Certainly a rarity.
  22. For me it's "got im" which is quickly followed by me trying to chase away the fish theiving dog before she rips it off the line. When fish aren't biting, I use the patented Finnglish fish call to draw them to the boat. " Suuweee kula, kula, kula " If I lose one it's " satana perkele " or " sonomabeech "
  23. I hope you're signing the young lad up for an OFC team The look of pride on his face says it all
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