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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Fishin music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTFF-BaT0MM Need a gas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mguzKze1sYo
  2. Those are some good little pranks I admit to going to the fitting room with an armful of women's dresses tucked under my arm. It took the poor employees a good half hour to find an appropriate manager with a tactful way of telling me I could not try the dresses on. That's all part of the fun of being in the zoo. My fave, going to Bloor station at rush hour with a few friends, stand back from the crowd, and when they push and shove their way onto the train commence with a chorus of Mooooooooo, Baaaaaaa. Amazing how many people will freeze in their tracks to find the culprit. Try to make eye contact with as many as you can on the train, then give them a big smile. Drives people nuts. Another stunt requires a bull horn. Attention shoppers, 70% clearance sale in aisle 4 for the next 10 minutes. Hazard taping the entrance to a store with police tape anybody? The joys of university pranks and alcohol.
  3. I feel your pain. Have been just as foolish ( and stubborn) out on the French trying to jig for walleyes in a tinner at -10C not including windchill and trying to run through snow squalls
  4. Despite all the drawbacks, and there are several, I still kept mine. My wife went to a lot of trouble to get me the shelter. She worries about my health these days. So I just did not have the heart to tell her she bought junk. Same goes for some of the other fishing goodies she buys me every year. Her heart was in the right place. ME handy, me fix. Besides far better than landing in"the DOGHOUSE".
  5. That was the $99.99 Walmart special There have been a few discussions about the HT products. I own the two man backpack shelter and I like the portability at 26lbs. The workmanship is not good. Canvas is sewn with common thread, not the heavier grade I would expect, and not adequately reinforced. I have enough experience with a needle and palm to do most of the minor repairs (I learnt something in the reserves). Hinge pins and pivots are cheap, I have replaced the 1/2 plastic pin assembly for the hood bars with good steel. Inside is very compact and cosy and I often peel the coat off in the shelter. No room for gear. put a hunting pillow on the seat to raise you up another 2 inches ( the seats/benches in all makes of hut are all set too low for us bigger fellas, gets hard on the back).
  6. I may not watch a lot of WFN, but it sure beats most of the worthless crap on the tube these days. So called "reality" shows with their staged situations, or, even better: " I'm such a loser they are paying me to publicly humiliate myself and family on TV" I'll take WFN any day.
  7. Great photo set. Some absolutely wonderful shots. Fish weren't too shoddy either.
  8. Too bad I had to back out, but I need to be at home right now. Glad to see you were hot into the action Jack.
  9. Our neighbour had another indestructible tank from the 70's, a John Deere.
  10. Our Lion's club has been running up here for over a decade. http://www.shuswapcamp.com/index.html
  11. I rode an old Olympic up until 1985. Hard to steer, cantankerous, heavy, not as fast as the other sleds but.... Always started and most important, indestructible. Almost went through a soft spot on the lake with it. That was a scary experience. It can always happen. Never is a fools word.
  12. Seems that every once in a while someone keeps trying to put WWF/WWE smack talk and noise into a fishing show. Examples: Dime store fisherman the FNC feud between Reno and Miller Scott Martin challenge Dave Mercer (a silly boy) his redeeming grace is the volumes of info he provide "The Boston Mouth" I guess the idea is to keep us from falling asleep in our seats.
  13. I'm afraid there are no industries in Ontario to invest in using your criteria. They run to the pacific rim for their manufacturing if they are profitable.
  14. I do not know what the right answer is to this question. I do know that the bailout will probably be no more than a stay of execution. If the "3" fold, it means a loss of 10% of the jobs in Ontario within the first year. Nobody can calculate the job loss over the second year. It will mean 10% fewer people to shop in the stores, buy services, toys, entertainment, fast food, etc... Unless you are fortunate enough to have a secure government funded job, or you're in the funerary business, mass layoffs will have an impact on your economic future.
  15. Cold? I'm still out first thing walking the dogs wearing mocs and I did not need the winter coat. I call -2C refreshing. 2 mornings back at -10C, that was cold.
  16. In the Soo, either 83 or 84. . 3 days after Boxing Day we started to get lake effect snow every night from Superior for the next 10 days. The walkway got drifted in so much we dug a tunnel from the house to the sidewalk. The father-in-law had the snow from the driveway trucked out by a neighbour. I don't remember any winters prior to that year where there wasn't a lot of snow. In fact, that was my first green Christmas with freak 70F. temps Xmas day.
  17. Saw the parts of one fly across Cook's Bay last year.
  18. I loved the Soo, but the work dried up in the early 80's and everybody with less than 15 years at Algoma got the boot. Man the fishing around town was just wicked good, even then.
  19. Being down in the banana belt the past 20+ years I kinda miss all that snow.
  20. And here I thought part of the fun of ice fishing season was dragging the bottom for corpses.
  21. Cowboy Groom A Cowboy and his wife had just been married and went to a hotel for their honeymoon. The man went to the front desk and asked for a room. He said, "This here is a very special, it's our wedding night, and we need a good room with a strong bed." The clerk winked and asked, "Do you want the Bridal?" The Cowboy thought about it a while and then replied, "No, I guess not, I'll just hold on to her ears until she gets used to it."
  22. It's a good change I see from this. I am glad to see our fallen receiving the final respect they deserve. That Canadians once again care for their sons and daughters. It wasn't that long ago when the news media and the public could've cared less about them. I've 'stood to' for friends and messmates and seen only a handful in attendance back during the Trudeau years. A minister of defence who declined to attend the funeral of a local son in his riding, killed while peacekeeping. Back when "soldier" or "sailor" were dirty words. Careers " only deemed suitable for backward yokels and the mentally challenged" as one Canadian journalist put it. They faithfully served their country. They have, regretably, died on Canada's behalf. They deserve to be honoured and respected for their sacrifice. Thank you for your report Hammercarp
  23. Seems my fave crib score is usually "19" when I have the crib
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