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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. My sentiments exactly. Just don't tel the Mrs.
  2. had a tough time walking through that slush today as well. Seems the slush was thicker on Simcoe.
  3. Spent 9 hours on one of the Niagara area ponds today looking for perch and pike. Among others, there were OFNers Rockfish, Smokin Joe. Beautiful sunny day and the wind wasn't too bad. Unfortunately the fish would not co-operate. Today's total: 1 perch, 1 mud puppy. Too nice a day to be indoors.
  4. Can't doo wop without the baseman
  5. G'nite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FSnM4nwTx0
  6. See! That white stripe washes off real easy. Glad you broke the streak.
  7. Tell the Cubans you won't be spending your money there any more, and that you are recommending others do likwise. Nothing else you can do. OF course that would be a little hypocritical. We have more than a few "charter only" lakes in the North. Why can't the Cubans?
  8. I've been using the Ford Freestar van. Been a great vehicle for travelling and towing. Ford's getting out of the van business so I don't know what we will get next?
  9. Gotta have that winter fur out there. Those are some nice fish.
  10. Timing is everything. I just logged in at the time TJ posted Wifey will be pleased
  11. I know that a number of lodges pay into a fish stocking program on Nippissing. This just negates their efforts to rebuild the fishery and sustain their businesses. Of course, ill will tween the one band and some lodges has existed for some time.
  12. They look good. Nothing like catching fish on your own creations.
  13. Used to dig out a quinzee in the yard that would sleep 4 and let the boys in the scout troop camp there to work on their winter skills before going on an actual winter camp.
  14. I remember back when OFAH had their own mag decades back. I hope this change of ownership does well.
  15. Now's the time to save up for them fishing dreams.
  16. WTG. Only one problem for you TJ. Once she's good at it, she'll be bagging all the game and guess who'll be doing all the cleaning? Part of the Daddy duty when we share our fave pastimes with the kids.
  17. I wouldn't be home til it was time to pull it off the ice come March
  18. Judy insists on going to the show with me every year, and enters every free draw she can find. I just have to listen to telemarketers for the next 6 months We have fun
  19. Love the video clip of the little girl TJ. Is she the pride and joy you were just boasting about recently?
  20. A machine well ahead of it's time. Great concept, but came out in 1926, just prior to the depression, when few would have money to spend.
  21. You're trying too hard. When you toss spinners for bass, you're fishing for pike. Jig for walleye, you're fishing for pike. Dangle pinner minnows for perch, you'll get pike. There are pike specific lures and tactics, but with pike, everything is a pike lure.
  22. Now you've dunnit. I think it's time I introduce you to my little friend. You think I'm bad. Say hello to Mongo More beans? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BK84Ipm1zlE
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