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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. I love a regular feed of fish, but that barely reflects the numbers caught in a year. My culture is Swede/Finn and the folks there eat fish as regularily as we do here(according to my cousins). Lots of Europeans will keep a good share of perch, pike and zander for the table. It's part of the culture and upbringing.
  2. bigugli

    Feb 8th

    I'm getting just a tad envious at the moment Jack
  3. Nothing is wrong with your auger. A little blade maintenance or replace the blades. They only last 2 years with proper care, and I cut a lot of holes.
  4. None have met the OFAH minimums yet. Got lots of time
  5. I will fill the live well with perch in the fall, drain the water and pour in 2 -3 bags of ice for the trip home. They will still be alive and kicking 4 hours later. Keep em' cold and they stay alive.
  6. After Friday's great action I was hoping to see a lot of action with the change of weather. Not! A hanful of keeper perch and dinks each day, 2 bite offs and a pair of these Despite the lack of fish it was good to be on the ice with a lot of friends. The wind Saturday was brutal. Oh. I got one other thing today. A sunburn
  7. With the more harmful e-fraud perpetrators, the banks don't want them in jail. They make a deal with the bank to stay quiet, plead guilty, and get a suspended sentence. Better than having their knowledge shared with other criminals. What do you do when his tricks are taught to a dozen other guys?
  8. An employee at the Beamsville Pioneer hit the accounts of 50 people a few years back. The employee had wired a data recorder to the Interac system and then used that info to electronically make numerous transactions. I try to not use my debit card outside the bank.
  9. Shinners and small pond chubs. Haven't tried the Gulp fry yet. The local store doesn't carry it. Might get some at the Fishing Show
  10. After listening to all that good time music this morning, I just knew it was gonna be a great day for fishing. So I loaded my kit in the van and had the chauffeur dump me at the local pond Where I would meet some friends. It did not take long to zero in on a good spot with a school pushing past our offerings every 15 minutes. We'd get 3-4 in quick succession then wait for the next attack. That went on for the next 8 hours. Many of the perch were cookie cutter fish in size and shape. Rockfish and his best of the day: A few white perch that came to play The next group of dinner guests Of the 70 or so fish that were caught, 20 were kept
  11. Dig the happy tunes to wake up to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnNfpvGzIeA Hope these put a smile on someone's face.
  12. GOOD MORNING! Now pass around the jug
  13. I'm a former tunnel rat from Greenwood. Used to clean up after the jumpers. TTC has always needed to hire drivers. Our family moved to T.O. when my stepfather got hired by TTC/GrayCoach
  14. My kids made me try it on a dare. Only got 25 ft down the hill and a week to put my hip back in place
  15. I never used to have any time for anything. Playing with tackle sure beats watching most of the crap on TV these days. Even I can only handle so much WFN before I start twitchin As to jwl's question. Yes I do plan on being at the Niagara show.
  16. Get the appraisal and take your time. There are a lot of low ball shysters both amongst the dealers and on ebay. There are some reputable dealers as well.
  17. Once again, they are very well done Jacques. They are perfectly balanced.
  18. Although softwater is a long way from now. Cold blue bird skies are perfect days and nights for making tackle. So I started working on my variations of a worm harness. I haven't been able to work for a couple of years now, so this helps to pay for the fishing bug. I also use them heavily as a search bait in the boat. Because I fish where there are lots of pike, I've opted for a coated wire vs. floro or mono leaders with lazer sharp hooks Step 2 is the hardware, beads and blades. Final step I add a modest bucktail streamer to complete the rig. And of course the final end result. They catch fish, and making them keeps me out of trouble
  19. You can do it. It's certainly better than quitting my way. One way to beat the cravings at night when yer sitting around with nothing to do? Grab the old lady and go a round or two. You'll forget all about that cigarette for a while
  20. Naw. Ron H was traffic. I was warehouse and purchasing.
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