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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. I spent 5 years doing business with both Lowes and HD. Totally different approaches in their business philosophy. The result, generally, is a warmer and friendlier store at Lowes. They also want to be one level better than HD. They believe in keeping their customers satisfied and happy.
  2. Not much of a report. The bite has slowed down somewhat. That being said, we still don't get to wear the white stripe. So me and my buddy Bill got out for 2 outings. Fish just sucking on the minnows. No solid bites. There seems to be a big upswing in smelt #'s this year and they do a lot of hook robbing. The good side is they attract pike. Of course, I can always find these No fishing over the weekend. Not well enough to get out the past 2 days. Instead. Some good ole home cooking. A big pot of stew with a couple of fresh baked loaves of bread to soak up all that gravy. There wasn't enough drippings left for the dogs to lick up after the family had their fill
  3. What a little darling she is, and a fishergirl to boot Thank you for the pics and report. You just put a great big grin on my face.
  4. Best bet would be the bait shop in Fesserton on #12. Last time up to Pt Severn there were no bait shops any more in Port Severn, Honey Harbour, or Waubushene. They had closed down.
  5. I'm game. Only hit the mark on 7 species in 08.
  6. I'm usually too busy on the ice to be munching on anything.
  7. Congrats on the arrival of your son. The child is in good hands. The cardio team is second to none at Sick Kids.
  8. It certainly was a simpler time. I learned on a big ol' green cedar strip and a 6hp Merc. I remember only too well getting a bird's nest in an old level wind reel like the young boy was holding. Things certainly were better then as a kid. Being a kid, or young man, with no cares or worries beyond where to fish and what bait to use. Life wasn't cluttered up with details yet. Heck, I wasn't even allowed to clean my own fish. That was Gram's job. My job, catch em. How much better can it get. Time to look at some old albums. Thanks for sharing .
  9. Sounds like a great day. Thanks for sharing.
  10. Get a 4'6" L or UL and any decent starter reel you may be partial to. UglyStik is a good choice simply because they can take most abuse a young lad might give it and has enough backbone for 6-8lb fish.
  11. In the past I have used the CA's huts and always got skunked. Always found it better to locate fish rather than hope they come to you.
  12. Great looking fish. Perseverance pays off.
  13. Seeing as I had to cut and split wood the past few days, I had to wait til this morning to finally get out on the ice. A nice day to be out with no crowds. Mind I don't think anyone would come too close to us old grumps. Old Harry had to have a rest from all the action today. Bill had to move away from the rest of us, something to do with some kind of dead skunk on the ice. Despite hopes for some heavy action, we had to work for our fish. Perch just sucked on the baits. Smelts teased us all day, and there were a couple of pike biteoffs. We still caught a number of dinks and even managed a few table worthy specimens. This was the largest. Most important part of the day was time spent with friends ( regardless of the numerous times I was accused of scaring everybody elses fish away )
  14. Hot, cold, 3 days old. Me and my 1 quart mug of coffee.
  15. Every different fishing season has it's ups and downs. I love it all year long.
  16. A lady about 8 months pregnant got on a bus. She noticed the man opposite her was smiling at her. She immediately moved to another seat. This time the smile turned into a grin, so she moved again. The man seemed more amused. When on the fourth move, the man burst out laughing, she complained to the driver and he had the man arrested. The case came up in court. The judge asked the man (about 20 years old) what he had to say for himself. The man replied, 'Well your Honour, it was like this, when the lady got on the bus, I couldn't help but notice her condition. She sat down under a sign that said, 'The Double Mint Twins are coming' and I grinned. Then she moved and sat under a sign that said, 'Logan's Liniment will reduce the swelling,' and I had to smile. Then she placed herself under a deodorant sign that said, 'William's Big Stick Did the Trick,' and I could hardly contain myself. But, Your Honour, when she moved the fourth time and sat under a sign that said, 'Goodyear Rubber could have prevented this Accident'... I just lost it.' 'CASE DISMISSED!!'
  17. Fantastic report, you got out and all had a blast. Love the look on the kid's faces. Priceless. Enjoy every opportunity you get with them darlings. The fish are just a bonus.
  18. Actually, to correct the one misconception. Houses are not 2x4 construction. Exterior and weight bearing walls are 2x6 minimum. Partition walls are 2x4. There is a huge variance in the quality of the framing lumber being used. A lot of green and warped wood used so it's tough to build a trued wall. Some framers would cut and scab a stud to try and true a wall, I prefer to shave and shim.
  19. What's wrong with smelling like fish?
  20. Perfect weather for splitting firewood. Don't require much effort to get my logs to pop apart when its good and cold.
  21. In the words of the immortal Sgt Shultz: I know nothink http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztgYhVFSDSQ
  22. We are just having ourselves a traditional, good ole fashioned winter like we used to get 30, 40 and 50 years back. There were a lot of Muskoka nights when the needle passed -40F. We were taught to never sit on the seat in the honey hut at night. No one was gonna hear you crying for help once you got stuck. Some useless facts. Want to know how cold it really is. Spit into the snow. Warmer than -40 it will freeze on contact. Colder than -40, you'll hear a pop as it freezes in mid air. At that temperature, waxed handlebar mustaches get brittle and snap off.
  23. I just blew a trailer tire yesterday and I definately felt the thump, thump, thump, fast enough, and the pull to the blown side.
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