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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Gotta have that steam else any bread stays soft. if its pulla no steam wanted.
  2. When the gift is coming from an adult it's not too difficlt to return/exchange a gift. ( except not always the Mrs) A gift from a child, nephew, neighbour kid, etc.. is a totally different story. The only thing that matters is the thought, and the ownership/ pride that goes with it. I will never willingly do anything that is going to diminish a childs pride/ satisfaction in knowing they did something good. That is a lesson I learned very quickly as a cubmaster. You reward the effort today, and encourage a better result tomorrow. Some of the kids that once gave old packs of fishing hooks are now the adults who send me cognac which we share on fishing trips. As for gifts from parents, what does one say to a mother without getting a guilt trip when its not the right thing?
  3. My Gram would use crushed potato chips as a crumble topping on all sorts of baked dishes. Would work well on fish dipped in an egg and milk wash. So do cornflakes, bran flakes and rice crispies.
  4. We all receive some absolutely wonderful presents at this time of year. Many thoughtful gifts posted this season. That being said, many of us have, I'm sure, received some not so stellar gifts at times. Tacky ties, 6/0 Aberdeens, bargain bin leftovers. I know that I have received a few headshakers, I just never let on that it is a lemon. This year was no exception. I got a 5'6'' casting rod in combo with a Mitchell U/L spinning reel. Again, its one of those gifts that had all the best intentions, even if the sales person did not. I will, of course, be a good sport and use the combo. The thought counts and I would not want to downplay or diminish the gift givers intentions.
  5. Every once in a while I get the hankering for home cooked. Almost looks like potato bread or sourdough.
  6. It's just amazing what you will come across when going for a peaceful walk. Of course the wind helps to muffle any noise you may be making.
  7. Use the stuff all the time. Especially original and cajun. I find Italian bland. For batter I'll usually get clubhouse, panko or scratch.
  8. If your friend's dad is the manager, I hope you remembered the names of the sales clerks and handed the list to the dad. If not, send an e-mail to H.O. No company likes bad press.
  9. Should be able to obtain marine ply through Rona, the Depot, Lowes. Although it might not be in stock over winter.
  10. The wind has ripped the awning off over the front door. I'm watching the 60' maple bending dangerously over my boat shed.
  11. Thanks for the report. It's a crazy kind of fun running between holes when the perch are on.
  12. We were down for 2 1/2 hrs from 8:30. All's good now.
  13. Get out as often as I can and enjoy every minute of it. Learn a few new things. Fish new water. Introduce a couple more kids to the fun in fishing. Keeping it simple, and keeping it fun.
  14. I have to admit there just isn't enough flesh on the bones of a pike under 3lbs. for the purpose of filleting. Down in Niagara they used to be open all year and netting was allowed. A lot of folks would pickle the smaller pike.
  15. The family is out digging elbows at the mall while I prepare another Christmas feast for this evening. I've got more fishing stuff than I can use, or carry, already. This evening's menu includes the following, but not exclusively: Turkey and fixins, whipped potato, turnip casserole, sweet potato casserole, glazed carrots, corn, fresh baked rolls, and trifle for dessert. All washed down with 4 different local Niagara wines.
  16. Good old sly. If there was only 3" he'd still be out in that contraption of his.
  17. I like having sonar. Especially on new water to find the striucture and contours and that is all. Don't need it for much else. Nothing beats what you learn hands on from your betters and through experience.
  18. You've raised up a mighty fine daughter. I'd be as proud as a peacock with a daughter so talented ( mine's pretty creative too). Hard part is making sure the guy she pairs up with is worthy. I'm surprised the young hounds on OFC aren't lined up banging on your door. I use a variation of the "parents rules for dating" quite frequently.
  19. It'll be my turn to cook turkey on Boxing Day, but we'll see if we can stop by in the evening. Merry Christmas to you and your lovely femmily ( ) my friend. You tell Emily I'm watching her like a hawk. I need another nose for my collection.
  20. Glad you had a good day on the ice. I went out for a couple of hours yesterday jusy checking ice depths down here. It'll be unsafe after the rain and warm.
  21. Finally finshed the Xmas baking. Pulla shortbread
  22. My blades are usually good for two seasons with a regular 2 minute touch up after each outing.
  23. Congratulations "Grampa", and that title is one to be proud of. Enjoy.
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