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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. I've gotten used to using the term 'walleye' after living in Southern Ontario the past 20 years, but partridge are partridge.
  2. I have the old 300A. Finally retired it 5 years back when the bail tanked. It now sits on my wall.
  3. Despite all the ultra modern gear , and all the bells and whistles, that one can spend thousands on, Some old stuff just can't be beat. Every once in a while I get out my old blue glass rod for an outing. It was the very first grown-up fishing rod to call my own and after 40 odd years of abuse it still holds up. It flexes like a whip so it has great casting range for a 5' rod That was one of last year's victims. I also have a few treasures in the tackle box. Old hula poppers, chugbugs, rapala minnows, etc.. I just keep changing the hooks. Today's weapon of choice was a broken back rebel minnow I've had forever ( lost it a few times but always managed to get it back). Just twitch it and let it float back up, repeat. Reel and stop, let it float to surface and repeat. That old lure still managed to coax up a couple of snot rockets in the cold front today. The 2 fellas down from me caught squit. Sometimes it pays to hold onto them old faves of yesteryear.
  4. Entertaining read. You still got a good day on the water. That is all that really matters.
  5. An afternoon/evening at the nearest local town with a theatre. It was always a big kick as teens to go to the local Bijou. Maybe hit the local Dairy stand for ice cream. Find a mini-putt or cart track.
  6. Slip bobbers allow you the greatest degree of flexibility. You can fish the float in 6" or 30'. You cannot do the same with a spring bobber. you also remove the tendency of having the line crimped with a spring bobber.
  7. You want to have your keepers in the 2-3lb range. Some species freeze better than others.
  8. Nothing shabby about those.
  9. Love the look on his face. He's thinking to himself 'I beat my Daad. Gotta buy me ice cream now'
  10. Looks like you've been having a blast out there. Gotta get over there some time.
  11. Just part of the cycle of things. Wet years balance out the dry ones. Plays as much havoc with crops as a drought does. Makes for some interesting fishing, too.
  12. DROoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool Nothing like running to the Minden KD on a Sundy afternoon. A few neices and nephews have worked their summers there. Soon it'll be great neices and nephews ( just as long as uncle always gets the extra big scoops)
  13. It looked like you had a really great time up there. Great location and great fishing.
  14. Not on it . Don't want to be bothered with so -called school friends who could not otherwise bother with keeping ties. As for the employment issues, companies take several different approaches. To date I know of two individuals stupid enough to incriminate themselves on facebook and get fired. It's as simple as calling in sick but plastering party pics that night. To quote another policy: "At no time are the affairs of _____ and it's affiliates, its employees , agents, etc..., to be made a subject of public scrutiny. All violations will be subject to immediate dismissal".
  15. Not bad results for a slow day.
  16. And those rainbow mixed tubes work great. When I'm backpacking I put 3 or 4 different colurs in one small package. I've had some very different, and successful colour combos as a result.
  17. A thoroughly enjoyable read. My kind of report. I'm glad you both enjoyed some quality time together. At some point in time they all insist that they do it all on their own. Whether it's fishing, lighting the first fire, or doing a camp meal, they need to know they can do it. It's a huge confidence booster for them. WTG
  18. You decided you want a boat, so take the time to do some homework , make a wish list and window shop. Take a year if need be, until 'you' are happy with your choice. Took me over a year to get what I was looking for. Not just for me, but my family as well.
  19. I have a small screen Humminbird. Never again. Big screen is so much better to read. Especially with aging eyes
  20. You did good M/S What you did was not easy, and the result was positive. that is all that matters. Working with the handicapped or developmentally challenged can be hard. Patience is everything. It's alright if a day doesn't go right. Nothing in life goes completely to plan anyway. As long as you can keep an outing fairly simple, without too much built into the day's agenda, you will usually do O.K. Be prepared to change gears and have a Plan B when things don't pan out, or if the boy loses interest/fish aren't biting/ thunderstorm, etc... . Those are also good planning tips for any outing involving kids(and some adults ). As a former scouter, I used to get involved in the SYDs program, to make scouting available to disabled youth. I think the practice is still in place. Just a bit harder to find suitable leaders to provide the 1 on 1 mentoring that is so important. The successes and satisfaction far outweigh any effort involved. Again,
  21. To quote an old sweat ( veteran of WW I ) I once knew. "The flag is no more than a rag on a pole. Shot through, soiled, worn and bloodied. But men have fought and died for that flag and all it represents, and to this day, dutifully offer there loyalty to all that it represents ( whether the Maple Leaf or the Ensign)." It may be only a rag on a pole, but it is mine to hold and cherish. Mine to uphold and respect. Today, we are still fortunate to have men and women in this country who would give up there lives for it. Who cares how we display or wear it as long as we hold it dear.
  22. Clubhouse beer batter or my own dry coat mix. (fishcrisp for convenience only)
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