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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Same things happen with mail addies. You buy the magazine subscription and a few monthws later you start getting stacks of book and mag offers in the mail. Some charities also sell their donor lists.
  2. A lot of lakes, like Gull, might only get worked once a season. Most, never, so they target areas with well known to have crowds. After all, there are some 50,000 lakes and how many CO's? I have seen a pair of CO's work the backwoods years back, plain clothed. Just kept visiting lake to lake along the portages.
  3. Mackerel run nothing. That's just bait. Get out on a tuna boat
  4. They are hitting all the crowded spots. Get to cast a wider net and a bigger haul. They also hit L Gibson with considerable success. Good to see.
  5. I saw her, a few years back, tied off in Bridgewater. She was a sorry sight, and it was sad to see a greyhound abandoned in such a state. I hope they do right by her now.
  6. Nothing like a successful outing on the new boat, and getting that first coating of slime. WTG Cliff.
  7. The different weather, this summer, will affect fish behaviour, as will an abundance of feed. There is another factor. You have specific go to lures ( red rooster, etc...) that you throw at the same pools. Over time, the fish will condition to not respond to that bait any longer and be more wary. A new bait, bigger, smaller, new colour. Give them something different. It is amazing what will work. My fishing has been quite productive so far this year. I just keep doing things differently, and I always go out with a few options in the backpack.
  8. I used to love hunting, but it just got too dangerous. Gave up after having a few close calls in one season.
  9. In the pond, take 2 approaches. 1) the float. worm set just off the bottom so it drifts and moves with the wind. If using corn have hook resting on bottom with a little slack to give a cat or carp time take the bait. Use a micro tube on a slip float gradually twitching it back to you. The rise and fall of that tube can be effective. 2) casting. Try a couple of varieties of spinnerbaits, twitch bait, popper, floating rapala, etc... Use both slow and fast retrieves to try and entice a surface strike. These are just standard tactics for working any shallow pond or pool.
  10. Nothing like a little heart pounding excitement. Looks like you had fun.
  11. It beats watching 'Charlie Moore' or 'The Old and The Useless'
  12. Make sure your fall planting gets a month's grow time before getting too cold. They need to establish a good root ball before winter.
  13. I had just pulled 1/2 of my garlic on Weds. I had 100 sets in the ground. Need lots for the 200 odd jars of dill pickles and salsa, let alone any other culinary needs.
  14. It would only be libel if the statement weren't true. Based on the abundant evidence posted here....
  15. You've found yourself some nice little honey holes. WTG.
  16. In the park, walleye come up sulphur creek, at night, to feed below the dam. Come morning they tend to move back.
  17. Looks like you can't afford to have the kids grow up and leave home. You'd waste away to nuthin
  18. Tjhe Speed R. runs right through town and lots of the shoreline downtown is park. Beat the banks with spinners and surface baits. Take you more than a day I'd think.
  19. With $20 and 2 days of yard sale hopping I'm sure I can pick up a 300A and a good dependable glass rod. Certainly will beat anything Mitchell currently has in the marketplace
  20. What a thoroughly enjoyable read. Getting the kids out on a backwater adventure is a great thing. They will want to go again and again. I miss making those trips . Thanks for kindling a couple of warm memories.
  21. The elusive Snag lives!! Was begiining to think you had been pantywhupped or locked up for life (it happens). Nice walleye, Certainly miss reading your most entertaining reports.
  22. I should think that a posted topic will stand or fall on it's merit. Same goes for the poster's credibility. It will be what it will be. No need for flaming or hostility. Either the kid knows his stuff, or he's a 'google' angler or a 'cut n paste' artist. I've seen a few who take written opinion and post them, word for word, as their own. Some very blatant, and others less obvious. Do not hold his age against him as there are some amazing young anglers here. Some of us older types also grew up with rod and reel in hand and posessed the experiences many will only dream of in a lifetime. We should remember that. This site also, like many sites, posesses its share of armchair critics. Quick to speak if something displeases, but very quiet when it come to solid contributions and fishing reports. Lastly, we are talking about fishing. A pastime that should provide endless satisfaction. It is not Polisci 101 so lighten up. For those self proclaimed fishing gods so full of there superiority over us "lesser" anglers, as my uncle would say, stick yer head in a bucket of manure and swallow.
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