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Everything posted by hammercarp

  1. The banner was not taken down the wind ripped it loose on one side. The fish-in was scheduled to last until 4pm .I fished until then.
  2. Nice fish . That one is a real brute. Congradulations. Oh and that was six fish I caught at the fish-in. Puffs rule!
  3. You are more than welcome. Catching a fish like that is no mean feat on 8lb line ,especially in that spot, congradulations! Come down to the harbour and fish with us anytime. Love that first picture.
  4. Congradulations Dan. Welcome to the wonderful world of carp fishing.
  5. Looks like you had a great time mud and all.
  6. Great stuff. Imagine what a thirty would do when the waters warmer. Talk about a Nantucket sleigh ride.
  7. The way to improve your odds of a solid hookup is the hair rig. Here is how to tie one. Here it is with corn for bait. Impale your corn on a big hook( a worm hook works) Then hook the barb on the loop at the end of the hair. Slide the corn off of the hook and onto the hair. You can use store bought stops. (They stop the bait from falling off the hair) or you can use a piece of a twig or straw or a piece very heavy mono. When tied properly this rig is highly effective.
  8. Your post was a joy to read and video was great. Thanks
  9. Nice fish! WTG!
  10. "Hey. I gotta right you know."
  11. Nice fish and great pictures too.
  12. Okay. How's this one. Coon trapped in Beaver http://www.oakvillebeaver.com/news/article/246979
  13. Wanna bet some poor guy is going to get shot down as a result of this.
  14. Nice Kittys Victor. WTG!
  15. They take your stuff as evidence in the comission of the offence. If you are transporting over your limit in your boat it can be seized as evidence. They can't just seize stuff willy nilly.
  16. Wabashene
  17. I think you would be better off at Bayfront. There's perch and crappy there and free parking.
  18. I'll be there, come say hello at the Carp Anglers Group booth.
  19. A lot of those guys make what they make because they are there. I think that a lot of media and sports personalities are going to see big drops in their incomes since their salaries are derived from advertising revenues. As soon as someone figures out that in the states the average worker makes so little that they can't sell them anything no matter how much they spend on advertising the bottom going to drop out of that. I watched a news show back in the eighties and the guy they intervewed said he graduated with his MBA and was hired by a big Wall St. firm. He did not know jack, his words. He would answer the phone and buy or sell based on what he was told to do. In three years he made a million bucks. He quit and took his money because he did not believe that kind of Bull could keep going on. He said he still did not know jack. I guess he regreted quitting as it went on for 20 years. I think the head of Hydro here is a very responsible position. I suspect that compared to what they pay someone in that position in the states they probably make 1/10th or less.
  20. Yes our banks are okay. But I think that this scene is bang on. Millions of people lost trillions of dollars because of crap like this that went on.
  21. You asked for clarification Chukk I think it's pretty clear. If that page does not meet your standards I am sure there are others. No body said Afganis participated in that attack. Don't put words in others mouths or play games of deliberatly misquoting them.
  22. People need to remember this. http://members.shaw.ca/kcic1/cdnwtc.html These are the Canadians that died in the 9/11 attacks. The terrorists the did this were trained in camps in Afganistan. We need to help the Afgan people achieve a stable gov't so that this does not happen again. We also have a commitment to help our neighbour when they are attacked. It doesn't matter that they have a huge military. It's about who we are not what somebody else is. Our soldiers put their lives on the line to meet our commitments to our allies and to protect us. To the guy who asked about the terrorists in Afganistan ever being able to harm people on the other side of the world from them the answer is yes they did and could again. It is not the same world it was in 1967.
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