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Everything posted by hammercarp

  1. Nice cats. WTG!
  2. That really warmed the heart. I look forward to more of your posts. Thanks.
  3. Snakehead- non native but they are breeding in the states. Guys fish for them like bass. Supposed to be real tackle busters.
  4. I saw one of these on the weekend. A few do manage to overwinter in the harbour here. The rest will be arriving shortly.
  5. If they learn to steal the ospreys catch I guess it means a tougher time for the osprey but we have both at our cottage.
  6. Goldfish are a type of carp" carassius auratus", the common carp is "cyprinus carpio". They can and do interbreed to create hybrids. Gold fish do not grow near as big a common carp do. A 4 lber would be a big one. Koi are the same fish as common carp except they have been bred for colour. They do get big and can be very expensive to buy. None of them should be used as bait.
  7. Wrong again.
  8. Absolutely wrong.
  9. I have had my license checked by the police here in Hamilton in Bayfront Park and today two guys I know were checked down by the High Level Bridge.
  10. Well into the 70's you spear pike here. Lots of people along the Lake Erie shore did it.
  11. Pretty fish MJL WTG!
  12. Very nice, simple, light weight looks good.
  13. In Canada. http://watch.thecomedynetwork.ca/the-daily...009/#clip145169
  14. I saw this on the news a couple of nights ago. Now hear this , Nortel paid it's top people this year 45 million in bonuses. That's right Nortel the company that is worth nothing and on whom so many lost a lot of money. Aint the corporate world grand.
  15. Glad you got him back. Beagles are the best escape artists going.
  16. Wow what a beast. Congradulations.
  17. If the incongruity of Canadians boys singing Hortons " The Battle of New Orleans" is lost on you then forget I typed it, geez.
  18. I know I know! And this is the truth. It is white due to a birds very high body temperature. It affects the chemistry of digestion. I always did well at Trivial Pursuit.
  19. When I lived in Kingston and I lived and worked there not in jail. I came across this. It reminded me of the scene from Monty Pythons , The Holy Grail, " RUN AWAY RUN AWAY". http://www.ontarioplaques.com/Plaques_JKL/...e_Lennox14.html
  20. I know the words. You missed the point. We were the British then.
  21. I forgot that the Americans burned down York (Toronto). I would say thank you except they didn't do a very good job as it is still there. As to the battle of New Orleans song by Johnny Horton. When I was a teenager we used to sing it with great relish. I guess popular culture beats reality hands down.
  22. It's the 500 rule. If you bring your vehicle into a dealership you don't get out without spending at least $500.
  23. They're called bite alarms. Check out the stores I listed for them. Give'm a call.
  24. That's a popular bait in the southern states.
  25. Here's the latest info on our local tackle shops. Fishing World 2411 Barton St. E. Hamilton ON 905-573-2288 They are expecting new stock to be on the shelves in early April. You can ask for Mike, Nick or Jim. Randy is also there a lot to help you out. They are open 7 days a week and on Sun 1-4 They cleaning up the boxes from the fishing show and should be in tip top shape soon. Bill's Bait and Tackle 534 Upper James St. Hamilton, ON 905-388-5773 They are expecting new stock in first week of April. Ask for Greg or Tim. They are open 7 days a week and early on weekends. Burns Fishing 1-685 Plains Rd. E. Burlington, ON 905-681-8803 They will be getting in new stock any time now in Feb. Steve is the man there. They are open 6 days a week. Bronte Outdoors 2544 Speers Rd. at Bronte Oakville ON 905-827-4009 They will be getting new stock in starting next week and throughout March Frank is the man there. They are open 6 days a week. I hope this helps.
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