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Everything posted by hammercarp

  1. Nice mixed bag of fish Bruce. WTG.
  2. You don't need a classic 13 ft. rod and centrepin reel to float fish. Here is another link with a cool fash pic of a float set up.http://members.chello.nl/tmarapengopie/float.htm
  3. Float fishing is one of the most productive methods to fish carp. Here is an article that may help.http://www.fishonlineca.com/Float-Fishing/Float-Fishing-Techniques/Float-Fishing-for-Carp.html
  4. They are in the midst of spawning. Some are spawned out and some are still plump with roe. That was a few days ago. Eastport, CCIW and Bayfront all have fish in them.
  5. WTG Beans! I am glad you got into some fish. Keep at'm.
  6. Nice wagon Beans. Now you'll do what most carpers do. Get more stuff.
  7. I copied this from my carp forum. I made me laugh and I have to share it. As my intern you will not be paid. You will not learn valuable skills on fishing cause I don't have any to teach you. You will not learn cool places to fish,I only fish the Erie swim. You will not be required to work hard cause I don't catch many fish and no heavy lifting will be involved at least nothing over 5#. There is only 1 rule: If you know the water in front of us is deep and one of those very nice 5lbers is going in the net YOU MUST HANG ON TO THE HANDLE!!! ok really if anyone wants to come and fish Erie with me you are more than welcome, my sons have discovered girls and cars and after yesterday my wife will never go with me again, I work 4p-10pM-F and if I am not at work I am fishing. Wife long story short,Black River,25fow,5 feet down to water from bank,nice fish in net makes a big tail splash,scares wife who falls in river, stupid husband yells "Don't let go of net!!!!" Since then wife has spoken to me twice she just repeats "don't let go of net?" and gives me a strange look.
  8. They are getting perch on minnows there. But for great fun take marko's advice. Here's a Portmaitland carp from Sun. June 7 It was 16 lbs.
  9. The first one looks to me like the fish suffered a bad cut and the flap of skin healed over. The other looks like a lamprey scar. I am seeing more and more of that on carp. The scale pattern on the last fish makes it what some call a muddler. That is a partial mirror. You get to see some pretty horrific damage on carp and they still keep chugging along. A testiment to a very tough and resilient fish.
  10. Nice fish. So a lousey weekend saved by the lowly carp. Cool idea with the home made feeder. I'll show you my Dora Hair Brush feeder that always lands with the bristles up if we meet up on the bank. They were three for a buck at the dollar store. I haven't heard about Eastport but CCIW is producing some biggies.
  11. Congradulations on your new PB.
  12. Nice fish Marko. Congradulations on your new PB. Twice in on day is pretty cool. You are not the first guy to watch their rod go flying into the drink due to mister carp. You can back your drag off until a run will not pull your outfit in. Stop the fish by applying pressure to the skirt of the spool with your finger then tighten your drag to fight the fish. Or you can buy a baitrunner reel.
  13. Maybe he is stiil around. With a high fish content in his diet, he probably is heart healthy.
  14. WTG! That is one great little angler you got there. Her smile is contagious. . Great post.
  15. Good advice from CLofchic. However at this time of year carp are big eaters and if you don't have something on the bottom to hold them they will move on. If you put some soaked or boiled maise out you will hold more than 1 carp in your swim( this is what we carp anglers call the spot you are fishing) and can induce them to feed competetively . Then you can be in for some good times with fish after fish on. Also in rivers throughout the year this same thing applies if you don't chum in a river the carp are quickly gone and you are fishing for the odd one passing through. Chicken feed particularly Layer Crumble is great for ground bait/chum and on the feeder. I use it all the time. Stay away from the Chick Starter as it contains antibiotics. Here in Hamilton a good place to buy this stuff and more is Tregunno Seeds on Catherine St. They are all kinds of great stuff for carp bait in different sized bags from 1 to 50 lbs. There is no one baiting strategy that is perfect for all occasions. You have to decide what do and use, based on the conditions you are facing. Just like any other fish you are going for. I have been visited by COs half a dozen times while carp fishing and they have never said anything to me about chumming. I think if it was illegal someone would have been charged by now and word would have spread through the carping community. Oh and CLofchick spring feeders, like your homemader are available at only a buck a piece. So get some bait out there and make sure your reel has a good drag. You will need it.
  16. There is no such thing as "trash fish" I would mind trying some of the recipes. But I have found that baking or roasting fish often intensifies strong flavours.
  17. I don't believe this. First of all carp do not have stomachs. Their digestive tract is just one long tube. It is bigger around at the beginning of it. Dried corn takes many hours to rehydrate and swell up. So even if the corn were to swell a bit it would simply be forced out either end. How many dead carp do you see floating around where the birders feed the swans, ducks and geese field corn by the 20 kg sack.
  18. That sounds very interesting. I'll get me some.
  19. Yup. Right now is prime time.
  20. Grits which is ground hominy is a standard carp bait in the southern states especially on Pay Lakes. It is used to pack around the hook. They put something else on the hook itself. I think canned hominy would work on a hair rig if it was firm enough to stay on the hair. I have to try it sometime. Which Walmart had it?
  21. Good post Mark. Welcome to another crazy carper.
  22. Did someone say carp? The guys have set you on the right course. Canned corn will catch both carp and catfish. The hair rig greatly increases the chance of hooking the carp when it sucks up your bait. You should also consider baiting the area you wish to fish. Cracked corn which you can buy at a feed store or a store that sells wild bird seed works well. Fill a bucket half way with the cracked corn. Pour boiling water into the bucket until it's a couple inches over the corn. Cover and leave it till the next day. Use a large serving spoon to throw it into the spot you wish to fish. Don't scatttter it everywhere. Try to get into as small an area as possible. Cast your baited hook into this area.
  23. The number of licenced anglers in Ontario has been decreasing for a number of years. So Bigugli, regarding angling, in effect there is a lower human population or what this could mean is that fewer people are obeying the laws in the first place. So catch limits and slots limits don't mean bubkiss to someone who is fishing illegally to begin with. Kickingfrog the answer to your dilemma is that many times more anglers can visit a lake than live on it. I think angling laws are already complicated enough. Making laws that are a pile of spagetti is not good. People will refuse to follow them if they are a headache to decipher or they will quit fishing altogether. Either way is not good. I think Bigugli has the answer fish for a variety of fish. One of the reasons I promote carp fishing is the take the pressure off of the most targeted species.
  24. Nice fish. Another carp another happy angler. I gota wonder what a 30+ would be like out of one of those cockle shells.
  25. Got out today. Fished the lake at Charles Daly park near St. Kits. Weather was not that bad. Some rain not too heavy, no lightening but fairly windy. Two dinky bullheads was all that I caught.
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