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Everything posted by hammercarp

  1. Thanks irishfield . You are right it's on page 8 of the guide.
  2. I think it says you need a licence to operate a rented boat. . Non-residents only need to obtain a Pleasure Craft Operator Card if they are operating their powered boat in Canadian waters for more than 45 consecutive days or if the boat they are operating is registered or licensed in Canada (this includes rented boats).
  3. Glass cats and Glass fish were pretty common aquarium fishes at one time.
  4. Plus I would have a hard time driving around with a stinky slimed-mat in my car!! Yup. But look at it this way. Your car would smell like sucess!
  5. You're not saying that government regulation works are you?
  6. "I refuse to put a pike on the ground for this tourney thing. So I might be useless." Us carp guys use unhooking mats. They really help reducing damage to your catch and I find that the fish settles down faster so its easier to unhook. I bought a padded beach mat at Giant Tiger for $6.99.
  7. Does Nintendo have a survival game? PS2 maybe?
  8. About tens years ago I watched a TV show on two guys from Quebec that did the survival thing in the bush of northern Quebec. Both were experienced and educated. They had travelled by canoe on long treks as Voyagers. The guy literally threw a dart at a map and that is where they were dropped off. I remember the guy saying that as soon as the float plane left and he took a look around and felt that they were in trouble. There was none of the plants around like cattails that he planned eat. The black flies desended like demons. The two of them basically lived on blueberries for a month. When they were picked up at the end of the month they had each lost over 20 lbs. The doctor said that by the end of the summer they would have been dead.
  9. Bigugly Yours is one of the best posts on this thread yet.
  10. I know this. If the bottom really fell out it would REALLY REALLY SUCK. You can keep your spruce needle tea and red squirrel stew.
  11. SACRILEDGE ! Seriously though, you are right. Nobody goes ballistic when they sell walleye, trout, char or any other fish.
  12. I would like to offer my sincerest condolenses.
  13. A nice little feed there. And nope you should not have been there yesterday. I was and the guys I met got zilch. I fished for carp for a few hrs. and blanked. But it was a beautiful afternoon. I am assuming it is the same place we met last weekend.
  14. Far too broad a question. Name some species and I am sure you will get answers.
  15. Very useful. Thank you.
  16. The wealth of a generation has been squandered by a relatively small number of people. It took a 25 year campaign to get people to empty their savings accounts and get "your money to work for you". What they really did was to make your productivity work for them. Wall St, Bay St. the money markets and all that stuff is really just a giant "ponzie scheme". In that world something is only worth what the last person paid for it. The banks work the same way they are not interested in how much money you have in your accounts because they have to then work to create the interest you expected to earn on your money. If they get you to invest your money in other stuff and borrow money then they turn the tables on you and benefit from your productivity. Now that the money is gone where is the wealth going to come from to drive up the price of stocks and bonds and all that other stuff?
  17. I don't know. I seems to me that fishing for bass during the spawn is wrong. Basically this guy cruises the egde of the lake in the shallows and when he spots an egg laiden female he tries to entice a strike out of her, in order to get one at it's heaviest. This last catch was snagged. I think there is a difference between sportsmanship and gamesmenship.
  18. Oh No.
  19. The legacy of Reaganomics. Low tax rates combined with artificially lowered labour wages ( created by the huge number of illegal workers) and when you hit a low spot in the economy there is no way out.
  20. Here's one that goes along with the theme of this thread. It shows the origin of kite fishing. It's a great example of human ingenuity.http://tobi.gmu.edu/tobithings/fishing/baldwinkitefishing1977.pdf
  21. What were you using for the carp?
  22. Here's where it's at. - The Silent generation, people born before 1946. - The Baby Boomers, people born between 1946 and 1959. - Generation X, people born between 1960 and 1979. - Generation Y, people born between 1980 and 1995 Why do we call the last one generation Y? I did not know, but a cartoonist explains it eloquently below...Learned something new today!
  23. I second the one on Tuna in the Med.
  24. Yup it's right around the corner. If you can find the corner that is.
  25. Good stuff. Thanks for the info. I am slowly learning my hawks.
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